Story Synopsis
This story synopsis is being expanded as I play through
the game. Please choose an era:
Location: Jupiter Station.
William Shatner Voice Introduction: Following the unprovoked
Xindi attack on Earth, the Enterprise NX-01 sits in space dock
undergoing a major refit to its engine and weapons systems. The time has
come to put the newly refitted craft through its paces. Okay Captain,
"She's all yours".
Description: The mission is a series of tutorials. A race
followed by targeting and destroying objects like asteroids and cargo
containers. The Xindi end up attacking so you have to protect Jupiter
Station by laying mines before destroyinng some fighters and capturing a
Xindi Cruiser.

William Shatner Voice Introduction: Following the failed
incursion at Jupiter Station, the last remnants of the Xindi invasion
armada flee. Hidden aboard four Xindi cruisers is a partial schematic of
the Xindi's planet killing superweapon. Locate the cruisers and retrieve
the schematics then destroy the superweapon before it is launched for
Description: The mission
consists of following the warp trails of the Xindi cruisers and
destroying the ships to get the schematics. You then head out to
destroy the superweapon.

William Shatner Voice Introduction: Enterprise is on a mission to
destroy the Xindi spheres and end the production of Xindi superweapons.
The Expanse is an unstablen region, dense nebula clouds will interfere
with your scanners. Use these nebula clouds to your advantage, the Xindi
will not be able to detect your presence. The region is heavily guarded.
Stealth is recommended over a frontal assault. Scanners indicate seven
spheres in the network, with one sphere showing signs of damage. Locate
the damaged sphere, it may contain the key to the destruction of the
entire network.
Description: You navigate to each of the spheres
using nebulae for cover. Once you find the damaged sphere, you
dock with it, and take the information back to Jupiter Station.
You protect Jupiter Station while the Xindi attack it to prevent the
information from being analyzed. When the analysis is complete,
Jupiter Station upgrades you, and you head off to destroy the spheres.
Location: Klingon Space
William Shatner Voice Introduction: The Klingon Empire is on the
verge of civil war. Enterprise's mission is to protect and escort the
mediator to the peace talks at a nearby starbase. Orion Raiders have
been reported in this area, they should be considered hostile. Fly ahead
and intercept any Orion craft.
Description: After you dispose of some Orion ships and a
minefield, some renegade Klingons drop in. They damage the Vulcan ship
holding the mediator, so you have to use your tractor beam to tow the
ship to the destination, while fighting off Klingons. When you arrive at
the starbase, you must defend it against more Klingons. When you
defeat them, the mission is complete.

MISSION TITLE: Cat and Mouse
Location: Debris Field
William Shatner Voice Introduction: The renegade Klingon cruiser
responsible for the attack on the Vulcan mediator has been tracked to a
debris field. Enter the debris field, locate the cruiser and bring the
ship and its crew to justice.
Description: The mission consists of using warp trails to find
the Cruiser in the debris field. Once you locate it, you must disable
its engines and weapons and then tow it to the extraction point safely.

MISSION TITLE: A Specter's Shadow
Location: Klingon Territory
William Shatner Voice Introduction: The crew of the Enterprise
has taken control of the captured renegade Klingon cruiser. Their
mission is to find the location of rebel shipyards. Then lead a
Federations taskforce in the attack upon it. The rest of the Federation
taskforce are hiding in the nebula. Rendezvous with these craft for
further instructions.
Description: Once you rendezvous with the taskforce, you are set
out to beam aboard a Klingon vessel and steal the location of the
shipyards. Upon verifying illegal activity at the shipyards, you must
beam away teams onto the shipyards to plant explosives. Once all
shipyards and Klingon ships are destroyed, you finish the mission.

MISSION TITLE: Dead in the Water
Location: Deep Space
William Shatner Voice Introduction: Responding to a distress
signal from a Vulcan ship, Enterprise drops from warp and hails the
stricken craft. But before the Vulcan can respond, Klingon ships decloak
and open fire. The Vulcan is destroyed and the Enterprise is left dead
in the water.
Description: You must defend against several waves of attacks
while stationary. First your torpedoes don't work, then your phasers,
etc When you are fully repaired you head out with two other Starfleet
ships to destroy the Klingon presence.

MISSION TITLE: Battle at Genesis
Location: Planet Genesis
William Shatner Voice Introduction: The Klingons are attempting
to retrieve fragments of the Genesis device. They believe they can use
the fragments to construct a powerful weapon. The Genesis planet has
become unstable and time is of the essence. Use the warp conduits to
reach the Genesis planet and prevent the Klingons from retrieving any
Description: To reach Genesis, you use warp conduits. Once there,
you go around destroying a lot of Klingons before the Genesis planet
explodes. When it does you have to use warp conduits to escape the
MISSION TITLE: Shadows and
Location: Federation Space
William Shatner Voice Introduction: The Romulans
have discovered a wormhole into Federation space and are planning an
attack. Three Romulan scouts have already passed through the wormhole.
Between them, the scouts hold data showing the wormhole location. Track
down the scouts and retrieve the data.
Description: After retrieving the location of the wormhole from
three scouts, you must prevent Warbirds from entering it. A heavily
shielded Warbird loaded with antimatter is then detected on a collision
course with a Federation station. To disrupt the Warbird's shields, you
must target radioactive asteroids in close proximity to it. Once the
Warbird is destroyed, the mission is complete.

MISSION TITLE: Into the Wormhole
Location: Alpha Quadrant
William Shatner Voice Introduction: After the recent failed
invasion, a large Romulan presence remains on the other side of the
wormhole. This Romulan presence poses a threat to the Federation.
Enterprise enters the wormhole to destroy all Romulan craft.
Description: After taking on some waves of Romulans, you set out
to destroy radioactive asteroids that are blocking Starfleet
communications. When you contact Starfleet, they trasmit the location of
a Romulan command center, which you must destroy. To destroy it, you
must beam an away team onto a Warbird loaded with antimatter, and
redirect it to collide with the command center. Upon destroying the
Command center, you must defend two damaged Federation starships and two
them to the wormhole. This completes the mission.

Location: The Neutral Zone
William Shatner Voice Introduction: The Romulans are using a
black hole to destroy evidence of illegal technology. Secure three
pieces of evidence and return them to the Federation starbase for
Description: Once you collect the evidence and tow it to the
Starbase, the Romulans plan an attack on the Starbase to destroy the
evidence. They are jamming transmissions, so you must find three
Starfleet ships and recruit them for the defense of the station. Once
you destroy the Romulans, the mission is complete.

Location: Alpha Omicron Sector
William Shatner Voice Introduction: The USS Enterprise encounters
a strange space faring lifeform while on a routine mission.
Description: While orbiting the lifeform, you detect Orion
raiders attacking the lifeform. You must stop them. Once the Orions are
dealt with, you are sucked into the organism's wound and in the process
lose engine power. You must defend yourself against the organism's
immune system until you regain engines. When that happens, you must help
heal the organism by charging its nodes. The last part of the mission is
escaping before the wound heals.
MISSION TITLE: Into the Badlands
Location: The Badlands
William Shatner Voice Introduction: Intelligence reports that the
Jem'Hadar are using the Badlands as a staging place for an attack on
Federation space. It is believed that the Jem'Hadar are responsible for
the abduction of multiple friendly ships in the region. Your mission is
to enter the badlands, destroy hostile craft, and recover the missing
friendly ships.
Description: After you recover the friendly ships, you must
navigate through a plasma storm. Once you do this, the Jem'Hadar attack
fleet is located by Starfleet Intelligence. The larger ships are
unmanned but have heavy shields and are protected by fighters. You have
to use mines to destroy the larger ships - once done the mission is

Location: Bajor System
William Shatner Voice Introduction: The USS Defiant is ordered to
investigate reports of hostile Jem'Hadar activity at a nearby nebula.
Description: You encounter some Jem'Hadar in the nebula and have
to destroy them. You are then told to check into Jem'Hadar activity near
Bajor, where you find more Jem'Hadar. Once they are destroyed, you
receive a message that DS9 is under attack and must help defend it. You
then dock with DS9 and take control of the station's defenses to drive
off the Jem'Hadar attack. The Jem'Hadar begin using tractor beams to
propel asteroids towards DS9, which you must destroy. The Jem'Hadar then
attempt to enter the Alpha Quadrant through the wormhole and you must
hold the invasion back. Starfleet sends a ship with an anitmatter bomb
which you must protect until it enters the wormhole. Once it does, it
destroys the invasion fleet, ending the mission.
More coming soon...