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Star Trek Encounters : FAQ



1. When was the game released?
2. What platforms is the game on?
3. Who developed and published the game?
4. What is the game's ESRB Rating?

5. Did this game have another title?


1. Does the game feature voicework by any Star Trek actors?
2. What enemies do you encounter?
3. What is the story?
4. Is there a multiplayer mode?
5. Are there pre-rendered movies in the game?
6. What are Character Cards?
7. What ships/stations are in the game?

8. What is the Vault?



Question 1. When was the game released?
It was released on October 24, 2006 in North America.  The release date for Europe was December 8, 2006.


Question 2. What platforms is the game on?
This is a Playstation 2 exclusive title.


Question 3. Who developed and published this game?
4J Studios developed the game and Bethesda Softworks (a ZeniMax Media Company) published the game for North America.  Ubisoft was the publisher for Europe.


Question 4. What is the game's ESRB Rating?
Rated E for Everyone 10+ for Mild Blood and Mild Fantasy Violence.


Question 5. Did this game have another title?
Yes, the game was originally going to be titled Star Trek Battlestations.



Question 1. Does the game feature voicework by any Star Trek actors?
Yes, William Shatner provides voicework for mission introductions.  His is the only voice in the entire game, and is unfortunately quite uninspired.


Question 2. What enemies do you encounter?
Xindi, Klingons, Romulans, and Dominion. More enemies will be added as we become aware of them.


Question 3. What is the story?
The game is divided into six eras: Enterprise, Original Series, Sovereign, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager.  Each mission loosely follows events in the TV shows and movies.  Please visit our Story Synopsis page for information on each mission.


Question 4. Is there a multiplayer mode?
Yes, the multiplayer mode supports up to 2 players in Skirmish mode.  Skirmish mode allows the player to set up one of the three game types: Head-to-Head, Battlefest, or Onslaught.  Each of these game types has its own unique goals and rule sets, and can be played by a single user vs. CPU controlled opponents or by two players in a Head-to-Head battle.  Onslaught mode can also be played cooperatively by two players or by one player vs CPU controlled opponents.
  • HEAD-to-HEAD: Head-to-Head battles are simply that...two opponents squaring off against each other in a fight to see who can reach the 'frag' limit first.  In this mode, the player(s) can choose only one ship to pilot for the duration of the match.
  • ONSLAUGHT: Onslaught pits the user in a battle of never ending waves of enemy ships.  Each destroyed ship earns the player points and bonus points can be earned for successfully completing a wave quickly.  This game mode can be played by 1 or 2 players cooperatively.  High scores are saved and can be viewed in the High Scores menu screen accessed via the Skirmish Main Menu.


Question 5. Are there pre-rendered movies in the game?
No, all graphics and cut scenes are made with the game engine in real time.


Question 6. What are Character Cards?
Throughout the game you will find Character Cards floating in space.  Simply fly into them to collect them.  Each card will boost some aspect of your ship.  For example, the Malcolm Reed card increases your phaser recharge rate by 20%.  The Doctor Phlox card lowers the damage you receive each hit.  There are Character Cards for every era.  You may view all your collected cards in the "Vault" at the main menu screen.


Question 7. What ships/stations are in the game?
There are many canon ships and ships created specifically for the game.  The list (incomplete) includes:
  • USS Enterprise NX-01
  • USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D
  • USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E
  • USS Enterprise NCC-1701 (Refit)
  • USS Defiant
  • USS Voyager
  • Deep Space Nine
  • Jem'Hadar Attack Fighters
  • Klingon Vor'Cha Attack Cruiser
  • Romulan Warbird
  • Vulcan Ring Ship
  • Xindi Fighters
  • Xindi Planet Destroyer
  • Klingon Bird of Prey


Question 8. What is the Vault?
The Vault allows you to view Character Cards you have collected and to view ships you have earned/encountered.  In the ship viewer, you can freely rotate and zoom in or out on ships to see their details.


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