STAR TREK ENCOUNTERS > Miscellaneous Images
We strive to archive high quality images for our games, but we need your help!
- Please check our list of requests below and scan in/photograph anything you have on that list.
- We request that you scan at 300 DPI, and please do not edit the scanned image in any way (we prefer to do that). We're looking for photographs to be sharp looking and a minimum of 640x480 (the bigger the better).
- Email your images into gaming@trekcore.com You will be fully credited and help preserve gaming history!
We are in need of the following scans:
- UK Scans:
Front, Back, CD, Manual
- International
Scans: Scans of any non UK/USA/Canada releases
- If you have an image you think would go well here but isn't listed, please email us.