ARMADA > Story Synopsis
Stardate: 53550.0
The Dominion War is over. The three major powers of
the Alpha Quadrant, once allied against a common
foe, begin planning for the future. For now, an
uncomfortable peace has settled in the Galaxy.
On Federation planets across the galaxy, the
process of recovery has begun. The USS Enterprise-E,
commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, is assigned to
re-establish Federation support in some of the more
devastated systems of the Quadrant.
On the Klingon Homeworld of Qo’nos, the population
grows restless for battle. Newly appointed
Chancellor Martok works closely with Federation
Ambassador Worf on efforts to restore the Empire to
its former state of glory.
On Romulus, the Romulan Senate and its intelligence
division, the Tal Shiar, conspire to tip the balance of
power to their favor. Admiral Sela begins secret
negotiations with unseen allies near the Klingon border.
And on the fringe of explored space, massive, metallic
shapes move silently through the area, leaving a
trail of destruction in their wake. Around them are
the whispers of millions of minds working as one. The
Borg have returned.
A starship from the future has materialized to warn of the latest Borg threat. You are in charge of the fleets on Federation, Klingon, Romulan, and Borg ships that will wage this epic battle. Build starships, construct space stations, and research special weapons to lead your side to victory. Along the journey you will survive a Klingon civil war, Romulan subterfuge and the Borg's search for perfection. The future is in your command.

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