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Star Trek Armada: Ships and Stations: Romulan


The Talon was designed to be the eyes and ears of the Romulan Armada. Its superior speed and maneuverability allows it to recon an area of space before the fleet moves in. This ship is armed with a single forward firing plasma cannon. Talon-class vessels are also equipped with cloaking devices, allowing them to move through space undetected.
  • Special Weapon: Tachyon Detection Grid
    Talon-class vessels can be upgraded to use a Tachyon Detection grid. This modification to their sensor array allows them to detect other cloaked ships within their sensor range.
The Shrike class is a favorite of the Tal Shiar, the Romulan Intelligence Agency, for its stealth and speed. It also is outfitted with a cloaking device, allowing Tal Shiar operatives to conduct covert operations in unsanctioned areas of space. Shrike class vessels are equipped with two forward firing plasma cannons.
  • Special Weapon: Romulan Spy
    The Shrike can be modified to accommodate a Romulan Spy on board. The Shrike has been specially designed with unique transporters, allowing it to transfer the Romulan Spy onto enemy vessels without lowering its shields or decloaking. If successfully transported onto an enemy ship, the Romulan Spy accesses the enemy’s sensors, giving the player line-of-sight on a targeted enemy ship or station. If the Romulan Spy is able to get on board an enemy Starbase, it can access that opponent’s entire communications network, allowing full line-of-sight on all enemy vessels and stations.
The Raptor is equipped with the same Tri-Cobalt torpedoes as the Federation Steamrunner cruiser. Starfleet is still unsure how the Romulans were able to duplicate the technology, but it is suspected that Romulan Tal Shiar operatives infiltrated Starfleet Corps of Engineers and stole the plans for the weapon. The Raptor is also equipped with a cloaking device, allowing it to move unseen through enemy territory before unloading its barrage of torpedoes.
  • Special Weapon: Myotronic Inhibitor
    To prevent the Raptor from being destroyed before it can unleash its attack, all Raptors can be outfitted with a Myotronic Inhibitor. This torpedo temporarily disables the weapons system on an enemy vessel, rendering them ineffective in combat.
The Griffin was designed to compliment the Romulan fleet by confusing and disabling the enemy. Its reinforced shielding and ample crew allow it to be a formidable opponent in combat. All Griffons are armed with powerful phasers, as well as cloaking devices.
  • Special Weapon: Sensor Jammer
    Griffins can also be outfitted with a Sensor Jammer. The Sensor jammer unleashes a subspace wave disabling all enemy ships’ sensors in its wake.
The Tal Shiar, having need of a vessel more suited for their covert operations, assembled the greatest military scientists in the Star Empire. The culmination of their efforts resulted in the Shadow-class. The technology on board the Shadow is extremely classified, so much so that even members of the Romulan Senate are not "officially" aware of its existence. The Shadow comes equipped with phasers, but can also be refitted with four experimental technologies.

Special Weapons:

  • Holo-emitter
    The Shadow is equipped with a unique deflector dish able to project holograms. When outfitted with a Holo-emitter, the projection manipulates enemy sensors by reversing their warp signatures and appearance. To opponents, all their ships appear as enemy vessels. This causes affected ships to inadvertently target their allies.
  • Psychonic Blast
    The Shadow’s deflector dish can also be rigged to emit a sub-space blast of radiation known as the Psychonic Blast. This causes an enemy’s crew to temporarily go insane, killing members of their own crew.
  • Energy-Shield Converter
    A modification to the Inversion beam, this Converter redistributes the Shadow's energy into shield energy, then transfers it to an allied ship.
  • Phase Cloak
    Development of this technology began as early as 2367, but was not completed until recently. The Shadow is the first of its kind to carry a functional Interphase Generator. When activated, the Generator phases the ship’s molecular structure, allowing it to move unseen through physical objects.

The Romulan Warbird, designated the D’deridex class, is a massive spaceship and the flagship of the Romulan Fleet. The Warbird is equipped with a cloaking device, as well as plasma torpedoes and phasers. The combination of offensive strength, manueverablity, and stealth make the Warbird a deadly predator and an invaluable asset to the Romulan fleet.

  • Special Weapon: Shield Inversion Beam
    The Warbird can be modified to fire a Shield Inversion Beam. This beam drains an enemy’s shields directly from the ship and transfers them to the Warbird's.

The Phoenix was originally developed by the Star Empire as a last resort, should the Romulan Empire fall to invaders. Its potential effect is so devastating, it requires a special shipyard for its construction. Because of the intense burden Phoenix-class captain must bear, the Tal Shiar has been known to use unorthodox "conditioning" techniques in their training. These techniques ensure the loyalty and commitment of Phoenix captains to the Star Empire.

  • Special Weapon: Spatial Rift
    When the Phoenix activates its only weapon, it creates an expanding tear in the space-time contiuum that does massive damage to any ship or station within its range. The ship and its crew are destroyed in the resulting explosion.
The Romulan Dilithium Freighter mines resources from Dilithium moons and transports it to Mining stations. The Freighters are rigged with a special Mining beam, allowing them to transport the ore directly into its cargo bays. Though Freighters have no weapons, their heavy shielding allows them to withstand considerable damage in combat.
The Romulan Construction ship is loaded with a team of Workers in its cargo bay. When constructing a station, these one-man engineering shuttlecraft are deployed from the Construction vessel. While the construction ship transports the raw materials, the worker bees assemble the areas with wielding lasers. Construction vessels are also equipped with a Towing Beam, allowing them to tow derelicts and vessels with their engines disabled.
The Romulan Starbase monitors all activity for the Romulan fleet in a sector of space. Once a Starbase is operational, crew begins to be transported into a player’s crew pool at a steady rate. Building additional starbases or building a starbase by a planet can increase this rate. The Starbase can also be upgraded with up to six Centurion Quarters, increasing the total number of the player’s Centurion pool. The station itself can build Construction Ships and Freighters, the basic units for establishing an outpost in an area. Once a Starbase is constructed, Mining Stations, Plasma Cannon, Spy Satellites, Shipyards and Research Stations can be built. The Romulan Starbase is armed with an array of disruptor pulse cannons for defense.
The Romulan Mining Facility is necessary for harvesting and processing Dilithium, an essential resource in the construction of ships and stations. The facility comes with a freighter, which begins mining the nearest dilithium moon as soon as the Mining Facility is operational. Once the freighter is full of dilithium, it returns to the mining Facility to process the dilithium. Processed dilithium is added to the player’s Dilithium account, where it can be used to build stations and ships. Once a Mining Facility is constructed, additional freighters can be built at the Starbase.
The Plasma Cannon is a small, unmanned defensive platform. It provides support for Romulan outposts by firing cannons at all enemy vessels within its range. A player must possess a Starbase in order to build a Plasma Cannon.
The Romulan Spy Satellite is an unmanned, small satellite that provides a player with line-of-sight in a radius around it. The satellite can be modified to use a Tachyon Detection Grid to locate cloaked ships if developed at the research station. A player must possess a Starbase in order to build a Spy Satellite.
The Romulan Shipyard has two bays, one for construction and one for repair, allowing it to construct and repair one ship at a time. The Romulan shipyard can build the Talon, Shrike, Griffon and Raptor-class ships. A player must possess a Starbase in order to build a Shipyard. Once a Shipyard is built, Plasma Torpedo Turrets can be constructed.
The Romulan Torpedo turret is a larger, unmanned defensive platform. It provides support for Romulan outposts by firing plasma torpedoes at all enemy vessels within its range. A player must possess a Starbase and a Shipyard in order to build a Torpedo Turret.

The Romulan Covert Ops. Facility allows the player to upgrade the Talon, Shrike, Raptor, Griffin and Warbird-class, each with their own special weapon. When each new ship’s technology is researched, a new pod is built onto the Ops. Facility. Though they are attached to the Facility, each pods has its own shields and can be targeted independently from the main structure. If the Research Facility is destroyed, all pods on the facility are destroyed with it. A player must possess a Starbase in order to build a Covert Ops. Facility. The Romulan Covert Ops. Facility can build the following pods:

  • Tachyon Detection Grid -- Talon-class
  • Romulan Spy -- Shrike-class
  • Myotronic Inhibitor -- Raptor-class
  • Sensor Jammer -- Griffin-class
  • Shield Inversion Beam -- Warbird-class
The Romulan Advanced Shipyard has two bays, one for repair and one for construction, like its smaller counterpart. The Advanced Shipyard can build Warbird and Shadow Class vessels. A player must possess a Shipyard and Covert Research Facility in order to build an Advanced Shipyard.

The Tal Shiar, a secret Romulan Intelligence Agency have created a facility to modify the Shadow-class with up to four different classified special weapons. When each new technology is researched, a new pod is built onto the Facility. Though they are attached to the Facility, each pods has its own shields and can be targeted independently from the main structure. If the Tal Shiar Facility is destroyed, all pods on the facility are destroyed with it. A player must possess a Shipyard and a Covert Ops. Facility in order to build a Tal Shiar Facility. Once this Facility Tech is constructed, Shadow-class vessels can be built. The Romulan Tal Shiar facility can build the following pods:

  • Holo-emitter -- Shadow-class
  • Psychonic Blast -- Shadow-class
  • Energy-Shield Converter -- Shadow-class
  • Phase Cloak -- Shadow-class
The Phoenix facility constructs the Phoenix-class vessel. The Phoenix is armed with a Spacial Rift Creator, a weapon that creates an expanding tear in the space-time continuum doing massive damage to any ship or station within its range. The ship and its crew are destroyed in the resulting explosion. A player must possess an Advanced Shipyard and Tal Shair Facility in order to build a Phoenix Facility. Once a Phoenix Facility is operational, Phoenix-class vessels can be built.

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