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Star Trek Armada: Ships and Stations: Federation


The Venture is one of the newest additions to Starfleet’s Armada, with production beginning in 2374. It is a lightly armored, highly maneuverable scout vessel capable of deep space as well as atmospheric flight. The Venture-class ship has limited space, restricting a large crew compliment. This vessel is primarily designed for reconnaissance and short-range exploration. It is equipped with a forward firing pulse phaser, should it need to engage in combat.
  • Special Weapon: Tachyon Detection Grid
    Venture-class ships can have their sensor arrays modified to use a Tachyon Detection Grid, allowing them to detect cloaked ships within their sensor range.
Initially designed as an escort vessel, the Defiant-class began development in 2366 with the explicit intent of defending the Federation against the Borg. Since their initial production run, the Defiant has quickly filled the ranks of the Federation fleet and is now one of its most abundant starships. Each Defiant is outfitted with two forward-firing pulse phasers fitted onto their bow, allowing them to unleash a barrage of firepower at any opponent they face.
  • Special Weapon: Anti-matter Mines
    The Defiant-class can be modified to carry a payload of Anti-Matter Mines. These mines lie still in space until they detect the warp signatures of a nearby enemy ship, causing them to hone in on their target and detonate.
The Steamrunner-class began production in 2371 after Starfleet realized it needed to develop a new way to defend against the larger, disposable Jem Ha’dar fleets. As a result, the Steamrunner is armed with long range Tri-Cobalt Torpedoes. These torpedoes can be fired from long range and cause massive explosions that damage everything within range. As a consequence for the tremendous energy it takes to fire its weapons, the Steamrunner tends to be slower and have less shielding than its counterparts, making it an easy target if engaged at close range.
  • Special Weapon: Engine Overload
    The Steamrunner-class can be outfitted with an Engine Overload weapon. This blast disables the engines of multiple enemy ships, allowing them to use their long range torpedoes on immobile targets or escape from an incoming attack.

The Akira was put in production in 2370 to provide offensive strength and support to Starfleet’s Armada. The Akira has since become an invaluable asset to Starfleet, first by helping repel the Borg offensive of 2373, and later in the Dominion War. Its extensive shielding, maneuverability, and powerful phasers banks make it useful in both offensive and defensive situations.

  • Special Weapon: Chain Reaction Pulsar
    The Akira can be refit to carry a Chain Reaction Pulsar. This devastating weapon draws power from its initial target, then moves to the closest enemy target, drawing even more energy from it. The weapon continues to grow in power until it unleashes its accumulated force on its final target.
Designed originally for scientific research and exploration, the Nebula-class starships have been refitted for combat since the Dominion War. With an extensive array of multi-purpose weaponry and new technology at its disposal, the Nebula is a great compliment to the Federation fleet. In addition to the Nebula’s phaser banks, it can be outfitted with four special weapons researched at the Federation Science Facility.

Special Weapons:

  • Shield Disruptor
    This weapon was based on technology adapted from the Breen shield dampening weapon. It disables the shields of a group of enemy ships for a short time, allowing enemy fire to damage the hull and systems directly.
  • Gemini Effect
    The Gemini Effect was created as a result of Dr. Paul Manheim’s temporal research in 2364. The Effect creates a temporal disturbance in the Space Time Continuum, allowing two of the same ships to exist simultaneously in different locations.
  • Point Defense Phaser
    The initial concept for this Planets weapon goes back as far as the late twentieth century, with the Strategic Defense Initiative. Perfected in 2374, the PDP destroys incoming weapons before they can do any damage.
  • Engineering Team
    Each Nebula-class can be assigned teams of Starfleet Engineers. These miracle workers can be transported onto other allied ships, temporarly increasing their repair rate and shield recharge rate.

The Sovereign is the Federation’s most advanced starship. It also serves as the flagship of their armada. The Sovereign’s powerful shields, cutting edge weaponry, and advanced technology allow it to defend the Federation and her allies from threats of any kind. The Sovereign is armed with powerful phasers and quantum torpedoes.

  • Special Weapon: Corbomite Reflector
    Originally used as a bluff by Captain James T. Kirk, the fictitious Corbomite Reflector became a reality in 2363 when a long retired Engineer submitted plans for the device to Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge. Sovereign-class vessels have since been modified to accommodate a Reflector, which enables it to redirect enemy fire back at its opponents.
The Federation Dilithium Freighter is outfitted with a reinforced hull, capable of carrying large amounts of unprocessed dilithium. The drain of energy required to carry their heavy payload limits the freighter’s speed. Freighters have no weapons, although their heavy shielding allows them to withstand considerable damage in combat.
The Federation Construction ship is loaded with a team of Worker Bees in its cargo bay. When constructing a station, these one-man engineering shuttlecraft are deployed from the Construction vessel. While the construction ship transports the raw materials, the worker bees assemble the areas with wielding lasers. Construction vessels are not armed with weapons, although they are equipped with a Tractor Beam allowing them to tow derelicts and ships with disabled engines.
The Federation Starbase is the center of the Federation fleet in a sector. Once a Starbase is operational, crew begins to be transported into a player’s crew pool at a steady rate. Building additional starbases or building a starbase by a planet can increase this rate. The Starbase can also be upgraded with up to six Officers Quarters, increasing the total number of the player’s officer pool. The station itself can build Construction Ships and Freighters, the basic units for establishing an outpost in an area. Once a Starbase is constructed, Mining Stations, Phaser Turrets, Sensor Arrays, Ship Yards and Research Stations can be built. The Federation Starbase is armed with an array of pulse phasers for defense.
The Federation Mining Station is necessary for harvesting and processing Dilithium, an essential resource in the construction of ships and stations. The facility comes with a freighter, which begins mining the nearest dilithium moon as soon as the Mining Station is operational. Once the freighter is full of dilithium, it returns to the mining station to process the dilithium. Processed dilithium is added to the player’s Dilithium account, where it can be used to build stations and ships. Once a Mining Station is constructed, additional freighters can be built at the Starbase.
The Federation Pulse Cannon is a small, unmanned defensive platform. It provides support for Federation outposts by firing pulse phasers at all enemy vessels within its range. A player must possess a Starbase in order to build a Pulse Phaser Turret.
The Federation Sensor Array is an unmanned, small satellite that provides a player with line-of-sight in a radius around it. The Sensor array can be modified to use a Tachyon Detection Grid to locate cloaked ships if developed at the research station. A player must possess a Starbase in order to build a Sensor Array.
The Federation Shipyard has two bays, one for construction and one for repair, allowing it to construct and repair one ship at a time. The Federation shipyard can build the Venture, Defiant, Akira and Steamrunner-class ships. A player must possess a Starbase in order to build a Shipyard. Once a Shipyard is built, Quantum Torpedo Turrets can be constructed.
The Federation Torpedo turret is a larger, unmanned defensive platform. It provides support for Federation outposts by firing quantum torpedos at all enemy vessels within its range. A player must possess a Starbase and a Shipyard in order to build a Quantum Torpedo Turret.

The Federation Research Facility allows the player to upgrade the Venture, Defiant, Steamrunner, Akira, and Soverign-class, each with their own special weapon. When each new ship’s technology is researched, a new pod is built onto the Research Facility. Though they are attached to the Facility, each pods has its own shields and can be targeted independently from the main structure. If the Research Facility is destroyed, all pods on the facility are destroyed with it. A player must possess a Starbase in order to build a Research Facility. A Research Facility can build the following pods:

  • Tachyon Detection Grid -- Venture-class
  • Anti-matter Mines -- Defiant-class
  • Engine Overload -- Steamrunner-class
  • Chain Reaction Pulsar -- Akira-class
  • Corbomite Reflector -- Sovereign-class
The Federation Advanced Shipyard has two bays, one for repair and one for construction, like its smaller counterpart. The Advanced Shipyard can build Sovereign and Nebula-class vessels. A player must possess a Shipyard and Research Facility in order to build an Advanced Shipyard. Once the Advanced Shipyard is constructed, the Corbomite Reflector Pod on the Research Facility can be built.

The Federation Science Station allows the player to upgrade the Nebula-class with up to four different special weapons. When each new technology is researched, a new pod is built onto the Science Station. Though they are attached to the Station, each pod has its own shields and can be targeted independently from the main structure. If the Science Station is destroyed, all pods on the Station are destroyed with it. A player must possess a Shipyard and a Research Facility in order to build a Science Station. Nebula class can be built without science facility - only special weapons need it. The Federation Science Station can build the following pods:

  • Shield Disruptor -- Nebula-class
  • Gemini Effect -- Nebula-class
  • Point Defense Phaser -- Nebula-class
  • Engineering Team -- Nebula-class
Recent breakthroughs in temporal mechanics has caused Starfleet to devote entire facilities to better understand time and how it is affected or manipulated in the universe. These research facilities have been able to create a Temporal Stasis Field within a confined area of space. Modifications to their quantum signatures prevent allied ships from being affected by the stasis field. However, all enemy activity in that area is frozen until the field destabilizes and time is restored. Regular use of this device is still under debate by the Federation Council, and for now has only been granted during times of war or under extreme circumstances.

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