1. When was Star Trek TNG "A Final Unity" released?
2. What are Star Trek TNG "A Final Unity"’s system requirements?
3. Who made this great game?
4. Is anyone from Star Trek voice acting in A Final Unity?
5. Is there a demo for Star Trek TNG "A Final Unity"?
6. Is there a patch for Star Trek TNG "A Final Unity"?
7. Will this game install or run under Windows 95?
1. What is the plot of the game?
2. Should I talk with the characters?
3. Where are the control panels?
4. What's the difference between barrel maneuvers and corkscrew maneuvers?
5. How does damage to the Computer Core effect gameplay?
6. How does damage to the EPS Grid or reactors effect gameplay?
7. How do I read the Combat Display?
8. Can I assign hotkeys?
9. What happens if I change the difficulty level to either Lieutenant or Captain?

1. When was Star Trek TNG "A Final Unity" released?
June 1995. |
2. What are Star Trek TNG "A Final Unity"’s system requirements?
These are the system requirements listed on the boxes:
Minimum System Requirements:
- 486DX 33Mhz processor or higher
- 8 MB RAM (DOS), 16 MB RAM (Win 95)
- MS-DOS 5.0 or higher operating system
- SVGA VESA Graphics
- SoundBlaster
- Ensoniq
- Pro Audio Spectrum
MAC Minimum System Requirements:
- Mac 33 MHz 68040 with FPU (or faster) (Compatible with Performa 5200CD, 6100 series, 6200CD; Quadra 630, 650, 800, 840AV, 900; Powerbook 5300 Series, Duo 2300/c100; Power Mac models)
- 12 MB free RAM
- 4 MB free hard drive space
- Power PC processor recommended
- System 7 and QuickTime 2.0(or later)
- Double Speed CD-Rom drive
- 640 x 480 x 256 colors
3. Who made this great game?
The game was developed and produced by Spectrum Holobyte (Microprose). |
4. Is anyone from Star Trek voice acting in A Final Unity?
Yes. The game features the voices of Patrick Stewart as Captain Picard, Jonathan Frakes as Commander Riker, Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Worf, Levar Burton as Geordi LaForge, Gates McFadden as Dr. Crusher, Marina Sirtis as Counselor Troi, Brent Spiner as Lieutenant Commander Data, and Majel Barrett as the Ship's Computer. |
5. Is there a demo for Star Trek TNG "A Final Unity"?
Yes! A preview CD is available from our downloads section. |
6. Is there a patch for Star Trek TNG "A Final Unity"?
Yes. Download it here. |
7. Will this game install or run under Windows 95?
Installing/Running Under Windows 95 Since Star Trek was released prior to the
release date of Windows 95, it is not guaranteed to run under Windows 95, yet
most people can easily get it to work. In order to install and run Star Trek in
Windows 95 DOS virtual environment, you must fool Star Trek and it's installer
from finding out that Windows 95 is running. Here are instructions:
- Put the CD in the CD-ROM drive
- Click on "My Computer"
- Double-click on the CD drive
- Use your right mouse button to click on "Install"
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on "Program TAB"
- Click on "Advanced"
- Click on "Prevent MS-DOS based programs from detecting Windows"
- Click on "OK"
- Click on "OK"
- Double-click on the "Install" icon If you receive a
message that your CD is too slow, ignore it. The CD test is invalid in a
multitasking environment. You may also receive a suggestion to setup an icon for
MS-DOS mode as the installer tests your video card. In most cases you can ignore
this message. If you're running a machine that meets the absolute minimum system
requirements, you may want to set up that icon.
- The installer should be able
to detect all of your hardware. Take the defaults.
- To run the game, find the
directory where you installed Star Trek, then look for the STTNG.EXE file and
click on it with the right mouse button.
- Click on "Properties"
- Click on "Program TAB"
- Click on "Advanced"
- Click on "Prevent MS-DOS based programs from detecting Windows"
- Click on "OK"
- Click on "OK"
- Now double-click on the new STTNG icon.
1. What is the plot of the game?
The three dimensional Enterprise NCC-1701-D bridge crew answers a hail from a
vessel being pursued from the neutral zone by a Garidian Warbird. The vessel
requests asylum, but before the Enterprise can act decisively by placing herself
between the pursuer and pursued, the little ship starts breaking up. A quick
thinking Picard and Data transport the lone crewman out of the now
disintegrating ship and give him sanctuary only to find themselves embarking on
what is though is one of the best computer adventure games ever produced for the
Star Trek license.
The ensuing adventure takes the now two dimensional graphic crew through now two
dimensional ship and other two dimensional worlds to explore, solve puzzles,
communicate, and investigate their way from one planet to another across the
galaxy in pursuit of a lost ancient race and their technology. The ancient
technology, a Unity device, that can destroy worlds from far distances, is
somehow also known to the Romulans, who now race against the Enterprise in a
battle to be the first to recover the device and rule the galaxy. |
2. Should I talk with the characters?
Yes. Not only it's interesting, but it's an overall good suggestion with
most if not all graphic adventures. Often it doesn't matter in which
order to bring up topics. |
3. Where are the control panels?
The control panels on the Enterprise bridge are: COMPUTER (where Data sits),
ASTROGATION (behind Picard), TACTICAL (where Worf stands), ENGINEERING
(behind Worf). You can often access each from others. You use Computer
to gather information, Astrogation (helm) to set courses and pilot,
Tactical to fight against enemy vessels, and Engineering for repairs
and energy distribution. |
4. What's the difference between barrel maneuvers and corkscrew maneuvers?
All of the barrel maneuvers listed in the ship's
computer are referred to as corkscrew maneuvers in the Tactical station. |
5. How does damage to the Computer Core effect gameplay?
The more damage the Starship Enterprise receives in
battle, the less access you will have to the Computer
reference area. In addition, if you reduce the amount
of available power to the Computer Core in Engineering,
you will also receive limited access to the Computer. |
6. How does damage to the EPS Grid or reactors effect gameplay?
If the Starship Enterprise is so heavily damaged that
the EPS Power Grid and both reactors are damaged, the
ship will have no energy for repairs unless applied
power is diverted from other systems. You will need
to turn down the power levels from other systems until
these systems are repaired. |
7. How do I read the Combat Display?
- When photon torpedoes are fired from the Starship
Enterprise or another ship, they will appear as
small red dots on the Combat Display.
- The small color-coded dots that trail ships in the
Combat Display indicate the path the ship has
already taken.
- The solid line (preceded by a color-coded dot) in
front of ships in the Combat Display indicates the
direction the ship is currently heading. The
length of the line is how fast that ship is moving
(a longer line indicates a faster rate of travel).
8. Can I assign hotkeys?
In the Tactical area, pressing the F1 key will bring
up a special menu to change the functions of keys and
to optimize space combat graphics performance. Changing
the graphics detail level will improve performance on
slower computers.
On the left side of the menu, you can customize the
navigation and weapons keys (shown on page 41 of the
Reference Manual). This is particularly useful for
laptop users without a numeric keypad. To change a key,
click on the key's function on the menu, then press the
key you wish it to be changed to. |
9. What happens if I change the difficulty level to either Lieutenant or Captain?
If you have set the difficulty level to either
Lieutenant or Captain, Delegation in Tactical will
default to OFF. This means you will need to do a
couple of things manually as soon as you become
engaged in space combat.
First, select the Conn control area and select the
following in order: "Raise Shields," "Lock Weapons"
and then set the alert level to Red (the far right
setting). This will prepare the U.S.S. Enterprise
and her crew for combat. |

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