STAR TREK TNG A FINAL UNITY > Official Description
From the box back:
Embark on an Adventure Beyond Your Imagination
The crew is all here. Riker. Worf. Data. Troi. And of course, Captain Picard.
You hear Riker report that a ship is speeding through the forbidden Neutral
Zone. Data announces it is a Garidian vessel. Troi explains Garidians may be on
friendly terms with the Romulans. Captain Picard orders an intercept. And
suddenly you are there too. Part of an epic original interactive mystery.
Part of an intergalactic adventure that will take you from the outposts of
Federation space, through treacherous shields-up confrontations, and beyond -
into the uncharted dangers of a massive nebula.
Now you're in command of the Starship Enterprise. Starfleet is depending on you. Take the Bridge!

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