This is from the official website.
Star Trek: the Continuing Voyage seeks to return Star Trek gaming to its core values and rightful place. It is a traditional point and click adventure game in which you play Captain Kirk and also control the rest of the crew. The puzzles are standard adventure fare; the story is compelling, and the dialogue faithful to what you would expect from Kirk and crew. You will explore, solve puzzles, and interact with other characters. In this sense, it is a worthy sequel to 25th Anniversary, Judgment Rites, and A Final Unity. I believe that I have gone even further, as the story in my game is much more engaging and expansive.
The game takes place on the Enterprise and in other locales. It begins with a routine diplomatic ceremony to admit a peaceful planet to the Federation. But when dissidents disrupt the ceremony, and you uncover a strange artifact from a distant past, Kirk and crew are thrown into a deepening mystery that threatens the integrity of the galaxy. The plot progresses over the course of eight full-length missions. In your travels you will uncover and explore a forgotten alien prison, a Romulan flagship, an abandoned dilithium mine, a Federation starbase, and much more.
Most importantly, The Continuing Voyage is a work of vision, vibrancy and imagination that hopes to liberate Star Trek gaming from the doldrums of insipid space combat and hand phasers. And it is just the beginning. I acknowledge the failings of my game, particularly in the technical sense, and I urge others to continue where I left off by improving the graphics, adding a real “save” feature, or even improving the puzzles. All of my source files are packaged with the install file for easy editing by others who have Visual Basic 6.0. I hope that others will see the value of my work, continue to improve it, and be inspired to write their own games true to the name Star Trek. Let the voyage continue!