Story Synopsis
This section is broken into three components:
Quote from Feb 2006 edition of
GameInformer shows the
ORIGINAL storyline of the game. This storyline was completely
rewritten later by DC Fontana and Derek Chester.
"The campaign is split into three distinct eras:
Enterprise, The Original Series, and Next Generation-plus. In each
of these phases you will encounter familiar foes (Romulans for
Enterprise, Klingons for TOS, the Borg for Next Gen), but there will be
an overarching mystery connecting the events of each stemming from an
episode of Next Generation entitled "Contagion."
An ancient species known as the Iconians once possessed a
unique technology that allowed for instant teleportation in space, and
though Picard learns of this eventually it was actually uncovered in an
ealier era by an archeologist named Sovak. Intent on creating a logical
utopia, Sovak vows to use the power to bring order to the universe,
making shady alliances and bargains with the prominent species to
achieve his goal. These dealings happen largely in the background
during the game's first two campaigns, but Sovak's machinations become a
much greater concern when he makes an unfortunate partnership with the
greatest threat ever faced by the Federation: The Borg.
With all of civilization on the brink of assimilation,
the last battle spans time and quadrants, resulting in you having all
the ships and captains working together to shut down this Borg-Iconian
For more information and screencaps of the TNG episode
"Contagion" please visit
TrekCore's coverage of the episode. The Iconian gates were
also featured in the DS9 episode "To The Death". Several Star Trek
novels have been written about the gateways, most prominently the seven
book Star Trek Gateway's series.
The ENT era picks up in 2159 in this story. So much
later than fourth season of the show, but before the last episode with
the signing of the Federation charter.
MISSION 1: Enterprise Era
TITE: Those in Need
Enterprise is requested by Starfleet to help the Vulcans
find a missing scientist. While scanning for the ship in its last
known location, Enterprise is attacked by Romulans. After
defeating them, the search is resumed and the USS Coto is discovered
hiding and stranded in a nearby nebula. It had taken refuge there
after a Romulan attack. After towing the USS Coto out of the
nebula with a tractor beam, the Romulans mount another attack and are
defeated by the combined power of the two ships. The USS Coto then
reveals that it received a Vulcan distress signal and provides the
coordinates. When Enterprise arrives at the coordinates, it
receives a distress signal from the Seleya, which is under attack by the
Romulans. The Enterprise and Coto destroy the Romulans, saving the
Seleya. T'Uerell, a female Vulcan scientist, is in command of the
ship and reveals that the Vulcans do not approve of her research.
She is cryptic as to the nature of her research, but asks for
Enterprise's help in rescuing her research team at a nearby outpost
before the Romulans find them. Archer agrees.
MISSION 2: Enterprise Era
TITE: Breakwater
T'Uerell's Outpost is under attack when Archer's fleet
arrives. The Romulans do not respond to hails, forcing Archer to
defend the outpost while the Seleya evacuates the researchers.
Instead of rescuing the researchers, T'Uerell recovers protomatter
stored on the outpost and flees the area. The Outpost is destroyed
with all hands.
MISSION 3: Enterprise Era
TITE: Be My Shepherd
There is an outbreak of a mutagenic virus in the Epsilon
Theta planetary sector. Starfleet sends aid in the form of medical
ships, but the Romulans are attacking the conoys that enter the system.
Archer's fleet is sent to ensure the convoys are safe and heal the
Epsilon Theta planets, in the midst of Romulan attacks.
MISSION 4: Enterprise Era
TITE: Poisoned Well
It is discovered that the mutagenic virus infecting the
Epsilon Theta planets is artificial and manufactured by the Romulans.
There is a possible link to the plot with Enkaria and Archer is sent to
investigate. Upon arrival, Archer discovers that all life on
Enkaria has already been destroyed by the same virus. A drone ship
carrying the virus is discovered in the system and tries to flee.
Archer's fleet follows the drone and discovers a network of Romulan
stations and drone ships producing and transporting the toxin.
After destroying the network, one drone ship escapes with the virus...
MISSION 5: Enterprise Era
TITE: Stirring the Hive
Synopsis coming...
TITE: The Squeeze
Klingon aggression has been escalating and intelligence
indicated that the Klingons are building a weapon in the Kathra system.
Starfleet Intelligence also discovered that a powerful new cloaking
device is being developed in the Makus system. A Bird of Prey has
been equipped with the prototype, but the ship's other systems are not
completely online, making it vulnerable. Kirk leads a fleet to
capture the Bird of Prey and take it back to Starfleet.
TITE: Behind Enemy Lines
Starfleet Command requests further intelligence on the
Klingon weapon in the Kathra system before planning an assault.
Kirk uses the captured Bird of Prey to scan strategic targets in the
system. During the scans, Kirk finds T'Uerell's ship near the
Klingon weapon. Through intercepted communications, it is learned
that T'Uerell has built the weapon for the Klingons in exchange for
dilithium and deuterium. Before leaving to meet up with the
Starfleet task force, Kirk disables the weapon's sensor array and
TITE: Firestorm
The battle has already begun. Kirk leads his fleet
to take out the shipyards repairing the Klingon ships and then
reinforces other Starfleet ships engaged in battle. Once they are
neutralized, the Klingon weapon is destroyed. T'Uerell escapes.
TITE: At the Gates
Years later, Kirk comes across T'Uerell's ship. She
hadn't been seen since the battle in the Kathra system where the Klingon
weapon was destroyed. T'Uerell has taken control of defenses
around a Federation research facility. Once Kirk takes out the
defense and retakes the station, the remnants of T'Uerell's research
point to cybernetics.
TITE: Omega
T'Uerrell is discovered at Dr. Ketteract's research
station. She destroys an entire Federation fleet with a dampening
weapon network. It is discovered that if you send a feedback pulse
to the weapon platforms, the network collapses. Once Kirk
accomplishes this, he retakes Ketteract's station. T'Uerell
escapes, leaving a rudimentary Borg sphere behind that is eventually
TITE: Revelations
The USS Stargazer encounters the Romulans attacking
T'Uerell's ship. To escape, T'Uerell destroys a planet, which
wipes out the Romulans. Picard must take command and coordinate
ships to protect the surrounding planets from being impacted by the
TITE: Ambush
During Sisko's test flight of the Defiant, he detects a
Romulan ship dead in space in Federation territory. The area is
being affected by Romulan emitters that prevent warp bubbles from
forming. While scanning, three Romulan Warbirds decloak and
destroy the wreckage. They reveal that they are from the Tal'Shiar,
and are trying to lure T'Uerell in for capture. T'Uerell has been
attacking Romulans in the years since her last encounter with Kirk.
The Tal'Shiar believes the Federation sent her, as she is Vulcan.
The Defiant takes refuge in a nearby nebula. The USS Enterprise D
arrives to back up the Defiant, but discovers that the Defiant was
captured and is being held at a nearby Romulan base. After
destroying the Romulan emitters, the Defiant and crew are rescued...
MISSION 13: TNG Era (Post
TITE: Anger and Mercy
Admiral Janeway and Captain Picard confront T'Uerell, who
now controls a part of the Borg Collective. She wishes to
eliminate illogical thought in the universe. Picard command the
fleet in the fight against T'Uerell while Janeway goes for
reinforcements. T'Uerell begins assimilating planets in the
system, so Picard must protect refugee ships fleeing the system.
MISSION 14: TNG Era (Post
TITE: Generals
T'Uerell's Borg fleet is lured to DS9 so that the
combined power of the station and the combined Federation/Klingon/Romulan
ships can take the Borg out. After securing DS9 from attack and
rallying the Klingons and Romulans, Picard leads the attack on T'Uerell.
T'Uerell, yet again, escapes, but Picard lays in a pursuit course...
MISSION 15: TNG Era (Post
TITE: Logical Conclusions
Picard follows T'Uerell to a nebula with a string anomoly.
T'Uerell places her ship in the string, and harnesses the power to
create a very powerful shield and open a transwarp conduit. Borg
reinforcements begin coming through the conduit. A large battle
ensues until a Starfleet ship arrives with modified sensor pods that
will disrupt the string anomoly protecting T'Uerell. Once the pods
are in place, Picard destroy's T'Uerell's ship, ending the problem that
has plagued the Federation from its founding...
Legacy was rushed to be released to coincide with the
franchise's 40th Anniversary. As a result, a lot of material was
cut out of the story that was intended to be there. Derek Chester,
writer for Legacy, has been filling in the gaps on Bethesda's Official
Board, and we are presenting this material here. The Extras
released with the game are also featured here, as parts of the story
that did not get put into the game.
Q: What was cut from the ENT storyline?
Derek Chester: The way the story had been sliced up, it was definitely a
lot shorter than intended. Originally, there was supposed to be a
prologue where you would see a bit of T'Uerell's motivations. Dealing
with the Sundering and her hope of reunification with the Sundered under
the teachings of Surak. After the inital framework was in place, we then
were to pick up with Archer coming off a shore leave during which the
NX-01 was being refit with newer technologies finally provided by the
Vulcans and Andorians, such as tractor beams.
Dorothy and I wanted a sense of scale to show Starfleet actually coming
of age as it were, building many new vessels and of course the bridging
of older design with newer technologies that would begin to resemble
what we know in TOS.
T'Uerell was assigned by the Vulcan High Command to research a new
technology salvaged after the NX-01 had destroyed the transport ship
carrying Borg. After a long period of research, she began to notice the
true applications for which the nanoprobes discovered were intended.
Modifications were made by her for over a year before she was able to
control exactly what the nanoprobes would modify. She injects herself,
and begins to build a collective of her own.
Also, since she has now absorbed the collective information of 24th
century Borg, she now has great knowledge of the future and also of more
sophisticated technologies than currently exist in the ENT era. But she
needs make her fleet of ships and build her power base. At
this moment in time, her ship is a standard Vulcan vessel. But to modify
her vessel with newer technologies, materials are needed. By this time,
the Romulans, whom she secretly knows are the sundered, possess
protomatter. She requires this substance to power her new vessel, and
arranges to trade the Romulans metagenic weaponry in exchange for the
protomatter. She uses her knowledge of the many assimilated cultures now
within her to design the metagenic weapon.
Since we're in the later phases of the Earth Romulan war...the Romulans
see this as an opportunity to bring swift victory. With the items she
needs, she give the Romulans the weapon, but also steals from them a
singularity drive. This is what they are after when they attack her
research post. She has what she needs, so she heads off deep into the
beta quadrant to build up her private collective and improve her vessel.
Archer at this point has to deal with the ramifications of the metagenic
weapon being unleashed, and it culminates in the Romulans making an
attempt to destroy the population of Earth. Here Dorothy and I really
wanted to tie into TOS, so the nuclear reactors were put into the story
so we could justify the fledgling Earth Starfleet defeating the
multitudes of Romulan warships.
What also wasn't addressed in the game was that later on the final
battle with the Romulans, having a greatly depleted fleet, lose that
confrontation. At that point the subspace radio treaty would have been
agreed to establishing the neutral zone...and later of course, the
signing of the Federation charter. We would have been able to put in a
much larger arc, if we had the original seven missions per era that had
been originally planned.
Q: Why does the game use a starbase for the Ketteract
research station?
Derek Chester: Dorothy and I made it clear that in the episode "Omega",
Janeway shows in the briefing that the Ketteract research station was a
"Regula" style research station, not a starbase. However, even though we
made that clear, a starbase still appears in the place in the game where
you encounter the Ketteract research station.
We did supply all Canon based information, but we couldn't control every
aspect of what was implemented. Some battels we won, some we lost, but
we fought hard to keep everything as far as assets in the game Canon,
since our storyline was already firmly rooted in it.
Q: Any extra information on the ending?
Derek Chester: After Picard destroys T'Uerell and you can see this
partially in one of the extras the Starfleet ships are
searching the debris fields of the battle site making sure nothing
survived, they miss a Borg vinculum. It was not operable when they
scanned, but as they leave, it slowly comes back to life, glowing green.
That was meant to be portrayed in a rendered cinematic. But, such as it
is, its doesn't come across perfectly. So yes, we left room for T'Uerell
to come back because we liked her as a villain.
Q: Did the Klingons give T'Uerell soldiers to be
Derek Chester: The Klingons didn't give her soldiers on purpose no.
What was meant to be portrayed there was that she created the particle
beam weapon for them in exchange for a fleet of Klingon ships to help
her take and hold the Ketteract research station. They complied and did
this, but she also used them. There originally was supposed to be a
cinematic where the beam weapon is tested and destroys a starbase.
Starfleet then becomes aware of the depth of the problem with the
Klingons. So while Starfleet is busy mounting and offensive to destroy
this massive weapon in Klingon territory, she strikes the research
station and manages to hold it for quite a length of time before anyone
knows, and begins constructing her own Borg Omega vessel. Incorporating
both Borg design and her own as well. Without knowing it, the Klingons
handed a quarter of their fleet to aid T'Uerell, and she assimilates
them all, building her collective to greater numbers. They are all of
course neatly destroyed by the Ketteract explosion so they don't
interfere with Trek Canon in later events.
Q: What is Captain Kirk talking about in reference to
the USS Phoenix?
Derek Chester: This also was cut. Originally there was supposed to
be a rendered cinematic where the Klingon beam weapon, given to them by
T'Uerell, was to fire and destroy a Starbase...alerting Starfleet to
this weapon. At that point, section 31 appears, Kirk then receives
orders to go into Klingon space and rescue a vessel...the USS Phoenix.
They tell him that the Phoenix's warp engines had a malfunction as it
drifted over the line. But Kirk doesn't buy that explanation.
But nevertheless, he follows orders taking the TOS pre-refit Enterprise
into Klingon territory and tractoring the Phoenix back home. It turns
out that the Phoenix was a much smaller vessel which was equipped with a
prototype cloaking device that was developed from the one Kirk stole in
"Enterprise Incident" in TOS. The cloaking device required a great sum
of power overloading the Phoenix's warp core, and rendering it helpless.
Kirk is now tasked to take the Enterprise in and finish what the Phoenix
started...the thinking being that the larger and more powerful
Constitution Class ship should be able to adequately power the cloak.
It goes on from there, but as you can see there were many design changes
to the story and things that were simply cut all together. So the
reference to the Phoenix is still in the game...but the events that they
refer to were originally supposed to be in the first two missions, when
the game was still going to have seven per era.
Consequently, there was originally also a Captain Pike mission in there,
where the Farragut made an appearance, Kirks old assignment...but again
I digress.
Q: Was anything cut from the TNG era?
Derek Chester: Actually yes, quite a bit. Since there were
originally supposed to be seven missions per era, we had more with Sisko
and Janeway in there...and of course a lot more background on Picard.
One of the big things I was disappointed didn't come across well was
that the reason the Romulans are so isolated for so many years in the
TNG era up until the episode, "Neutral Zone", was that T'Uerell after
the loss of her Omega ship to Kirk and the bulk of her assimilated
Klingon forces has gone deep into the Beta quadrant to hide. At this
point she was for many years harassing and striking Romulan interests to
build up her collective. Implying that the neutral zone outposts
destruction was her doing. Gathering materials and drones to fill up her
collective once again. Also the reason in which she destroyed that
planet was never explained properly. And of course, we were trying to
explain some of the paranoia of the Romulans when it comes to the
Federation. They see T'Uerell as a Romulan assassin. So, yeah, there was
quite a bit cut out of that era as well. We also were trying to fit the
Titan in there as well.
Q: Was there supposed to be more with Sisko?
Derek Chester: Besides the Defiant's test run, at one point we had
Sisko involved in the story as a prophet showing Picard these events
from the past to better show him the threat T'Uerell posed. But...that
also was cut.
Q: What timeframes are the missions set in?
Off the top of my head I'd have to look up the dates from the notes
of lengthy research I did into the timeline. I know in the ENT era we
put it in 2159...but I'd have to pull all the dates for the other eras
from my notes which aren't in front of me at the moment. However, the
two TOS missions take place in roughly the fifth year of the original
five year mission...while the TMP missions take place between TMP and
STII:TWOK. It was an error that put the Enterprise A on the saucer
section of the refit. First mission of TNG...being "Revelations", takes
place in 2333. The next TNG mission "Ambush" takes place not too long
after the events in TNG ep "Unification", so thats fifth season and I
think somewhere like 2368. The final three missions of TNG are something
like a year after the events in Nemesis. Without my notes being in front
of me, that's my best recollection...hope it helps.
Q: Can you tell us more about Admiral Janeway's role
in the game?
Derek Chester: First off...let me state that I truly love Kate. As
an actress...she's amazing and getting to write for her was a thrill. In
the cinematic originally envisioned for the scene where Picard and
Janeway talk with T'Uerell...the log was supposed to play over a long
shot of the Ent E and Voyager moving towards the dark side of a planet,
and as the camera panned we were to see a large Federation fleet behind
them. Then as the log plays through...the Enterprise and Voyager crest
the planet, revealing the day side, where T'Uerell and her cubes come
into view.
In this...Janeway was supposed to be the "voice of Starfleet", since she
was the one who had the most experience with the Borg. As an Admiral,
she was in full command...but leaves after the negotiations fail to
rally Romulan and Klingon forces as Picard fights a delaying action with
the Federation fleet and evacuates the inhabited planets in the system.
Janeway later is supposed to show up in, "Generals" and "Logical
Conclusion". This was supposed to be the mission where Janeway really
shined because of her knowledge of the Borg in the Delta Quadrant. There
was a very different level in mind at one point where Janeway makes use
of her knowledge of future technologies to make a difference in fighting
T'Uerell while she is tapping into the polaric ion nebula. Consequently
the nebula was turned into a that changed the mission
dynamics a little bit. Hope that answers at least some of your
questions. There is really so much I could go on for days, but I'm
hoping a better venue will eventually make itself available to put that
all out there.