Install the patch! It may fix the problem you're having!
Download it here. Any problems that are
fixed by the patch are not addressed in this page.
Information on this pages comes from the Help files that
came with the game. If
you cannot find help on this page, you may want to visit the
FAQ, as it has answers to non-technical questions
related to the game.
1. The Installer starts to copy files, but then just quits to the desktop.
2. I receive an error message: 'Error Move Data Process 115'.
3. I receive an error message about a missing DDRAW.DLL, D3D.DLL, or DSOUND.DLL file.
4. During Launch, the screen just turns black or quits back to Windows without any error message.
5. The game randomly freezes, crashes, or locks up the computer.
6. I can't hear any sound or music in the game.
7. I've encountered a problem that was not mentioned in this document.
1. The Installer starts to copy files, but then just quits to the desktop.
Make sure that you have enough hard drive space available on your system before
installing. If you don't have at least 160 Megabytes free, the game can't
If you have enough space, check the shiny underside of the CD for fingerprints,
smudges, scratches, or anything else that may cause your drive to have trouble
reading it.
2. I receive an error message: 'Error Move Data Process 115'.
This error comes up during the installation process when you a) have selected
the root directory of a drive as the install point, b) have a critical file on
the CD open in another application, thereby locking it down and making it
impossible to copy, or c) do not have enough free drive space to run the game
To fix this, make sure you are installing the program to an actual folder on
your hard drive (or go with the suggested defaults), ensure that all background
applications are closed when you install, and make sure you have the necessary
available hard drive space that the program requires for installation. |
3. I receive an error message about a missing DDRAW.DLL, D3D.DLL, or DSOUND.DLL file.
This is an indication that DirectX was not successfully installed. You should
try reinstalling DirectX from the program CD, or download the latest version of
DirectX from https://www.microsoft.com/DirectX. |
4. During Launch, the screen just turns black or quits back to Windows without any error message.
There are several things that you can try to fix this problem:
- 1) Shut down any other applications that you may have running on your system such as screen savers, virus scanners, etc.
- 2) Turn down video hardware acceleration in the Windows control panel
- 3) Try resetting your computer's video resolution to 800x600 with 16-bit color
- 4) Update your video card drivers
5. The game randomly freezes, crashes, or locks up the computer.
First, shut down all other applications that may be running on your computer.
Other applications can interfere with the game's operation.
If this doesn't help, then the software drivers that Windows uses to communicate
with your hardware may be out of date, or incompatible with the game. Install
the latest DirectX compatible drivers available for your video and sound card
from the card's manufacturer. If you have already updated to the latest driver
version from the manufacturer and the problem persists, you may want to see if
reference drivers are available from the video chip manufacturer. Reference
drivers are usually more standardized than the manufacturer's versions and may
work better with a wider variety of games. |
6. I can't hear any sound or music in the game.
First, check your speakers to make sure that they are turned on, connected
properly to the rest of the system, and that the volume controls are turned up.
If they are, then check your windows volume controls by clicking on the small
yellow speaker icon on your taskbar
If you have already tried the solutions above and still can't hear sound, then
you'll need to update your sound card drivers to the latest versions available. |
7. I've encountered a problem that was not mentioned in this document.
- REBOOT your computer after installation, especially if you needed to install or
update DirectX. Several updated system files are copied to your hard drive
during installation, which can't take effect until you reboot
- Make sure that your system meets the minimum system requirements as listed on
the box and at the top of this document. If your system does not meet or exceed
the minimum requirements, it will run poorly, or not at all
- Shut down all other programs that you may have running on your system before
playing. Other programs can interfere with the operation of the game
- Make sure you have plenty of room left you your hard drive, or Windows may not
have enough room for a swap file. This can cause some very strange problems. (As
a general rule, make sure you have at least 100 MB free on your C: drive
AFTER installation for your swap file.)
- Make sure that the CD itself is not dirty or damaged in any way. If the CD is
dirty, it can be cleaned. Most computer stores carry inexpensive CD-ROM cleaning
kits that will safely restore your CD. If you want to try cleaning the CD
without a kit, you can wash the CD using lukewarm water, MILD NON-ABRASIVE dish
soap, and a very soft and clean COTTON cloth. Do NOT use any kind of paper
product or abrasive soap to clean the CD, as these WILL scratch! Once the CD is
clean, be sure to let the CD dry completely before inserting it into your
CD-ROM, or damage may result
- If the CD is scratched or physically damaged in any way, you may need to send it
in for replacement
- Try uninstalling, and then re-installing the game

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