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Star Trek Timelines: Game Guide


The following game guide is from the official website. This document can be viewed as a video here.

This starter guide covers game features beyond the early tips and pointers you'll learn by playing the game. In STAR TREK TIMELINES you play as a Starfleet Captain on your first command. You'll explore the story behind a temporal anomaly that's far more than it seems, earn new starships, and recruit famous (and infamous) characters to equip and level-up as you play.

Game Interface
After completing the tutorial, this is the screen you'll see after each Away Mission, Starship Battle, and story moment:

Here's a breakdown of each important element on the home screen:

 1, 2, 3 - Credits, Merits, & Dilithium (currency)
 4 - Game Menus
 5 - Notifications
 6 - Galaxy Map
 7 - Time Portal (store)
 8 - Faction Missions
 9 - Scan (collect salvage)
 10 - Crew Management
 11 - Daily Missions
 12 - Player Chat
 13 - Profile Management & Current Level

 Credits, Merits, & Dilithium (currency)

The Federation is a post-scarcity economy, however certain resources remain limited. For example, skilled personnel, certain weapons and starship materials, etc. There are three currencies for acquiring items, crew, and ship schematics.

Credits: Federation credits are used to buy packs in the Time Portal (shop) and from Faction Centers. You earn credits by completing missions.

Merit: A kind of token earned by completing Daily Missions. You can spend merits at a faction's homeworld for faction-specific rewards. As your faction reputation increases you can earn better equipment, ship schematics, and transmissions for your shuttle teams.

Dilithium: A rare material important for fueling warp technology. Dilithium may be exchanged at the Time Portal [7] for a chance at rare crew, equipment, and starship schematics.

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 Game Menus

A breakdown of each feature found in the game menus.

Build & Change Ship
Swap your active starship using this screen. You can also see how many ship schematics you own and how many are required to build a new starship. Acquire starship schematics via the Time Portal, Faction Centers, and by completing Away Missions and Starship Battles.

You can add or remove in-game friends and contacts via the Friends panel.

Fleets are groups of fellow players that you can join up with. For now, Fleets are a place for you to chat about the game. As we continue to develop new features for STAR TREK TIMELINES, Fleets will become an essential and important part of playing.

When you need to read messages from Disruptor Beam, such as communications with Customer Support, you'll find them under messages.

Video (iOS 9 Only)
Press this button to activate built-in screen recording on any iOS 9 device, and save some of your most impressive moments while playing STAR TREK TIMELINES.

Adjust basic game settings via the Settings panel, such as game audio volume and your Disruptor Beam account login.

Contact Support
Get in touch with Disruptor Beam's dedicated support team using the Contact Support panel.

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Whenever an important piece of game info is available, a circle icon appears on the right side of your screen.

Sometimes there will be a character, like Captain Picard, who wants to speak with you. Tapping the icon brings up a dialog box with that character.

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 Galaxy Map

Tap the Galaxy Map icon to switch to a view of the galaxy, various missions, and the current story Episode. (When in Galaxy Map view, tap the same icon to return to a view of your ship – called "System View".)

Two-finger pinching and pulling gestures will zoom your galaxy map in or out. You can drag and tap around the galaxy map to explore star systems and points of interest like space stations and planetary bodies. You can also explore each story Episode on the galaxy map.

When viewing the Galaxy Map [6], the Notification icon becomes an exclamation mark. When tapped, it will cycle through available missions.

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 Time Portal (store)

This screen gives you access to the Guardian of Forever, a living time portal capable of sending and receiving any person or object through space and time.

Use the Time Portal to acquire new crew, equipment, and even schematics to build starships. You can also spin the Dabo Wheel for a random chance at equipment, starship schematics, and more. Check the Time Portal regularly, as you can find daily and weekly offers plus deals on ships, items, characters.

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 Faction Missions

A Faction represents one of the various political organizations, empires, federations, and groups from the galaxy and across all different universes. For example, the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance exists alongside the United Federation of Planets, the Terran Empire of the "Mirror, Mirror" universe, and the Cardassian Union.

You can complete faction missions involving everything from the Duras sisters to the Dominion and their… friendly ambassadors.

More difficult faction missions result in even more rare rewards.

With all of the different factions, it's no surprise many of them have frequent ideological and political disputes. As you become involved with various Factions through Episode storylines, you'll need to decide which sides to favor. Furthermore, each side will provide unique rewards upon reaching the maximum level of influence with them.

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 Scan (collect salvage)

The Scan function of your starship allows for occasional daily scans to collect free salvage, which are items that can be used to progress your game in various ways. Rewards may include Faction Mission tokens and additional credits.

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 Crew Management

In STAR TREK TIMELINES, you assemble a dream team from Star Trek, including the original series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise. As a Captain, you'll direct the action and choose crewmembers to tackle any given dangerous or tense situation.

As a roleplaying game, STAR TREK TIMELINES features characters with Skills [1], Levels [2], and Equipment [3]. However, your crew also have stats like Star Rating [4], Details [5], and level-cap advancement [6].

Star Rating [4] reflects the rarity of a particular crew member in STAR TREK TIMELINES, and roughly equates to their ultimate skill potential. More stars means overall higher skills, like Enterprise-D Picard's skills in Command, Diplomacy, and Science.

Each crew member has four Equipment [3] slots. Giving your crew the appropriate Equipment will raise their Skills [1] and capabilities in both Away Missions and Starship Battles. Once all four equipment slots are full, a crew can be Advanced [6], which raises their level-cap and opens up four new equipment slots. By improving crew equipment, you're able to increase their stats and overcome even more difficult challenges.

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 Daily Missions & Rewards

Your Daily Missions reset once per day, and include currency and item rewards for simply playing STAR TREK TIMELINES. They're also a good way to jump around game activities during quick play sessions.

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 Player Chat

These Disruptor Beam test chats are much less conversational than typical players.

You can chat with other players, send private messages, or talk with your fleet from anywhere in the game. Making new friends and talking with other players is a great way to earn more rewards and even learn some tips and tricks.

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 Profile Management & Current Level

How could we not choose Data as our Captain's portrait?

You can choose your name and portrait at an early Captain level. A small number of portraits are available to begin. It's possible to earn a crew member's portrait as your own Captain portrait by leveling-up that crew member.

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 Game Progression

The main storyline of STAR TREK TIMELINES is explored by playing Episodes, which are a combination of Away Missions and Starship Battles. The first Episode, The Art of War, pits the Klingon Empire against the Augments as they settle a dispute for dominance.

Later on, Episodes can feature factions like the Bajorans, Ferengi, and many more. Completing a whole Episode can result in significant Captain and crew experience, new equipment, and new crew members.

Captain Experience & Levels
Gain Captain experience and rise in levels to unlock new game features. You’ll unlock new game features like additional Captain portraits, access to Fleets (player guilds), and additional battle stations for your starships.

New Crew & Equipment
To get new crew and equipment, you can buy and spend dilithium as well as earn and spend credits. Almost everything in STAR TREK TIMELINES can be earned by spending credits on crew and item packs, but dilithium packs have a better chance of dropping rare items, crew, and starships schematics. Captains earn credits by completing conflicts, fighting in ship battles and completing shuttle missions.

In addition, special "themed" packs have higher chances of dropping specific types of items — for instance, a Klingon or Romulan crew and item pack.

You can also complete Episodes to earn new crew and equipment. If you conclude an Episode in favor of a particular faction, you can recruit a crew member associated with that faction, like Worf (Klingon) or Bones (Federation).

Crew Rarity
A crew member's portrait color indicates the potential star-rating of a crew member. Gold crew have the best stats, and can be improved the most, while gray crew can never progress beyond their one-star capability:

  • Gray (Common): 1-star maximum
  • Green (Uncommon): 2-star maximum
  • Blue (Rare): 3-star maximum
  • Purple (Super Rare): 4-star maximum
  • Gold (Legendary): 5-star maximum

Crew Advancement & Item Rarity
Just like crew, items also have rarity. An item’s rarity is expressed by the number of stars on the item’s bottom border. For example, look at Picard’s favorite variety of tea, Earl Grey:

Each new crew member joins your starship with one star, at level one, and with an starting level-cap of 10. So where does item rarity come in? Let’s take a look at Enterprise-D Picard.

Advancing crew, like Enterprise-D Picard, requires all four items, which are consumed when the crew is advanced:

Before equipping his Earl Grey, Picard is unable to advance his level-cap.

Ah, delicious Earl Grey. The “Advance” button is now gold, and on the right we see Picard’s portrait also has a gold circle “!” notification.

Advanced button pressed, Picard will need a new set of items that happens to include a slightly more rare Earl Grey.

At each level of advancement, Enterprise-D Picard will either need a more rare Earl Grey tea or even a new item altogether. This is true of any crew in STAR TREK TIMELINES, and so you’ll often have several Earl Grey teas or Type 2 Phasers in your inventory.

Many of the most common items in the game are combined to make rarer items as well, which is another reason you’ll sometimes earn (or even want) several duplicate items. It can take quite a combinations of items to make a 3- or 5-star Earl Grey.

 Starship Battles: Damage, Accuracy, & Evasion

Starship Battles are real-time conflicts between two starships and their respective crew. Before each battle, as Captain, you assign battle stations from your pool of crew. Each crew, when placed in a battle station, is able to temporarily increase the tactical capabilities of your starship. Currently, this is represented by three core stats: Damage, Accuracy, and Evasion.

Q only commands the best starships of each timeline, and the H.M.S. Bounty is definitely one of them. Look at those 7s in Attack, Accuracy, and Evasion.

To be victorious, Captains must choose the right crew for each respective battle, and that can change depending on whether you're battling a Borg Cube or a Klingon Bird of Prey. Sometimes, your starship may need more damage for the heavily armored starships. And other times you may require incredible accuracy to hit more nimble vessels.

Thanks to a successful Starship Battle, Kirk, Garak, and Vash all hit level 10. Now they're ready for new equipment.

Winning a Starship Battle earns you Captain and Crew experience, including credits to spend on upgrading crew or purchasing packs from the Time Portal.

Each Away Mission and Starship Battle also has three difficulty levels: Normal, Elite, and Epic. Each difficulty will increase both your challenge and rewards, and can only be unlocked by achieving 3-stars on the previous difficulty. You can earn 3-stars on Away Missions by earning all Rare Rewards. And to earn 3-stars on Starship Battles, you typically must win without losing shields or by defeating your opponent with a specific amount of time.

New Starships
Looking for a new starship? Captains need the appropriate number of schematics unique to constructing each starship. Each vessel will have a required total number of schematics, varied by the ship's rarity and overall battle power. Schematics can be obtained in item packs at the Time Portal, and also by completing various missions from Episodes.

 Away Missions: Skills & Traits

Each crew member can have up to 3 skills from the six areas of expertise: Science, Diplomacy, Engineering, Command, Medical, and Security. As Captain, you must assign three crew members to overcome each Away Mission's skill challenge nodes [1] and successfully complete your mission.

Structurally, an Away Mission is like a branching storyline where each challenge node [1] is both a decision and barrier your crew must overcome:

While early Away Missions have simple node [1] structures, later missions will grow more complex and challenging.

As you build your Away Team, any skills they posses that are required for the chosen Away Mission will cause any corresponding nodes [1] to be highlighted gold.

Each challenge node [1] has an associated skill (Diplomacy, Science, etc.) By default, crew with higher skill values will increase your chances at success. However, each sequential challenge will wear down a crew member, reducing their effectiveness in subsequent challenges until they rest one turn.

Spock's skill in Science and Command is useful on three nodes, turning them gold, and making any officer with a third skill in Security or Engineering potentially more useful.

If you fail the challenge on any node other than the final one, it will cause your final skill challenge to be more difficult. Overall success or failure on an Away Mission is determined at the final challenge, so try to save your best officers for the final challenge.

Every Away Mission has a selection of Suggested Traits [2]. Each crew member has their own unique collection of Traits reflecting their personality and background. These include racial associations (e.g. the Klingon Trait) as well as Traits associated with particular jobs like Pilot or Astrophysicist, and even attitudes like Innovator.

Traits provide boosts on certain nodes [1], typically ones with Rare Rewards as noted by the star symbol [3] below a node. For a chance at earning a Rare Reward, your crew must have a high enough skill to achieve a critical success on the node. Once you've earned a Rare Reward the star symbol will disappear, noting the reward has been acquired.

Geordi LaForge possess the Innovator Trait, making him very likely to unlock a Rare Reward on the first and second Engineering skill challenge nodes.

Aside from Rare Rewards, completing Away Missions can earn you credits, experience, equipment, and training items. Moreover, earning all of the Rare Rewards available on a specific Away Mission will result in an award of 3 stars. As you progress through STAR TREK TIMELINES it will only become more important to balance the progression of your crew with the growing challenges of each new Episode, whether it's Starship Battles or Away Missions.

Mirror Spock just hit level 10, while regular Spock is only level 3.

Upon winning an Away Mission you'll often receive equipment for your crew, Captain and crew experience, Training Programs to further level-up your crew, and credits. Other rewards can include Starship Schematics and Transmissions to complete faction missions, which themselves can give the above items.

There are three difficulty levels for Away Missions: Normal, Elite, and Epic. Each level presents higher skill node challenges and also better rewards. To unlock Elite and Epic difficulties, replay an Away Mission to unlock all Rare Rewards.

Warp 1 & Warp 10
Once you’ve earned 3-stars on an Away Mission or Starship Battle, you can return to them in the Episode screen via the Galaxy Map and use the Warp 1 and Warp 10 buttons. You can also use the Crew Management screen to tap on any empty and unlocked item slots for a list of away missions, starship battles, and faction missions that give said item as a reward.

Warp 1 will instantly play through a 3-star Away Mission or Starship Battle one time, as if you had successfully played through it. Warping costs chronitons, but in exchange you will acquire Captain experience, items, and credits. Warping will not earn your crew members any experience points, however.

Warp 1 and Warp 10 still requires chronitons, so consider your supply when looking to go maximum warp.

Warp 10 is similar to Warp 1, except it automatically plays through the Away Mission or Starship Battle ten times successfully in the background. Be careful, however, as Warp 10 also costs 10x the amount of chronitons that Warp 1 does.

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