Use these controls for both the "To Boldly Go" and "Qapla'" tables:
Left Shift = Left Flipper
Right Shift = Right Flipper
Z = Left Tilt
/ = Right Tilt
Spacebar = Up Tilt
Enter = Plunger
On the "Nemesis" table, two players can play together on the same computer. Use these controls:
Player One
A = Left Flipper
F = Right Flipper
S = Left Tilt
D = Right Tilt
Z = Up Tilt
X = Shield
Player Two
Left Arrow = Left Flipper
Right Arrow = Right Flipper
Keypad 1 = Left Tilt
Keypad 3 = Right Tilt
Enter = Up Tilt
Keypad 0 = Shield
Within Boldly Go and Qapla', the player can receive status reports during the game by holding down either of the flippers

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