Orion Pirates is a strategy game that involves thought and tactical maneuvers. Taking over command of one of the eight star empires from the original game you are able to choose between fighting against the Orion Pirates or joining forces with them to conquer the universe. During game play, players will control various ships and all of its systems while taking it into combat against enemy vessels.
Special Features
- Introduces the Orion Pirates, a cartel of privateers and criminals controlling "territories" of Federation Space.
- Each cartel features 30 unique ship types, totaling over 240 new ships.
- Battle to become the largest cartel in the galazy using the "Dynaverse 2" online system.
- New improved user interface and crew voices.
- 12 new single player campaigns and 12 new multiplayer missions.
- 26 Historical Star Trek battles and three bonus missions based on the "A Piece of the Action" TV episode.
- New phaser types including shield piercing and ablative.
- New terrain to fight on including the "energy cloud".
- 8 Cartels each with uniques histories and logos.
- Each Cartel feature 30 unique ship types, for a total of 240 new ships types.
- Fight to be the largest cartel in the galazy using the "Dynaverse 2" online system.
- New Orion pirate user interface.
- Cartel ships may double engine capacity, but at the risk of destroying their engines.
- New crew voices for all eight cartels.
System Requirements:
- PentiumTM III 500 (without 3D acceleration)
- PentiumTM 350 or better (with 3D acceleration)
- Windows® 95/98/2000/ME with DirectX 7.0 (included)
- 64MB of RAM
- 550MB of free hard drive space
- 4x or faster CD-ROM drive
- 100% MicrosoftTM compatible mouse & Keyboard
- Multiplayer supported (up to 6 players) Direct TCP/IP, GameSpy, Flipside.com

From the box back:
For years, the intergalactic crime cartel known as the Orion Pirates has managed its vast empire from the shadows. The group's uncanny talents for concealment and anonymity have allowed them to smuggle and plunder with impunity in full view of the law. Now greed has become the pirates' worst enemy. Having grown bolder, their powerful fleet has exposed itself to embark on missions of universal conquest!
- An Original Expansion for the Star Trek: Starfleet Command 2 - Empires at War. Does NOT require Star Trek: Starfleet Command 2 - Empires at War to play!
- Introduces the Orion Pirates, eight deadly cartels of privateers and criminals, each trying to control "territories" in the Star Trek universe.
- Includes an all-new dynamic campaign with each of the eight returning star empires from Star Trek: Starfleet Command 2 - Empires at War.
- Choose to fight against the Pirates... or with them in 40 new missions and a new Pirate campaign.
- Crusade online with new multiplayer excitement.
- Use all-new advanced weaponry to beat your foes, including Heavy Photon Torpedoes, Shield-piercing Disruptors, and the terrifying Mauler.
- 26 Star Trek skirmishes including ones based on the classic TV show.
- Features an improved user interface and enhanced crew voices for more immersing gameplay.
Starfleet knows that the time has come to strike. As a proud starship captain, it's your sworn duty to teach these pirates the true meaning of justice. That is, if you don't elect to join their ranks for... a piece of the action.

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