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Star Trek Elite Force Expansion Pack: Walkthrough


This walkthrough is courtesy of Raven Games.

Voyager Deck 1 | Voyager Deck 2 | Voyager Deck 3 | Voyager Deck 4 | Voyager Deck 5 | Voyager Deck 8 | Voyager Deck 9 | Voyager Deck 10 | Voyager Deck 11 | Voyager Deck 15 | Holodeck Mission 1 | Holodeck Mission 2 | Holodeck Mission 3 | Holodeck Mission 4 | Borg Slayer

Voyager Deck 1 - The Bridge

  Items to collect: None

  Things to Do:

  • Red Alert: Located at Seven of Nine's station (right behind Chakotay), pressing this button brings on red alert complete with flashing lights and an alarm. Captain Janeway will come out and yell at you shortly after for turning it on.
  • Self-Destruct: Located by Chakotay (to his right), this little button once pressed will blow up the entire ship. As soon as it is pressed, Chakotay will try his best to turn it off and accuse you of treason. Be warned however, this will end your game.
  • Bridge Library: This library shows time and history of the encounters voyager has gone through. It can be found over the left side of the bridge and is the next console in front of Harry Kim.
  • Captain Proton Holo Missions: Found in the briefing room on the desk, this is the Captain Proton missions list that Tom Paris plays in his time off duty.
  • Replicators: Found in the briefing room and the captains office.

Voyager Deck 2 - Mess Hall

  Items to collect:

  • Alex Monroe Figure: Found in Mess Hall On a table in the corner by a window.
  • Seven of Nine Collectors Plate: Found in Neelixs Quarters.
  • Harvestor Leg: Found in Neelixs kitchen, in the closet.

  Things to Do:

  • Crew Logs: Harry Kims, Neelixs, and Monroes personal logs can all be found in their quarters.
  • Cooking Recipes: Located on a countertop in Neelixs kitchen. It has recipes for many unknown foods and a few common ones.
  • Social Events List: Located in the mess hall on a table. This shows all the social events going on in Voyager.
  • Replicators: Located in Neelixs, Harrys, and Monroes quarters, two are also in the mess hall.

Voyager Deck 3 - Officers Quarters

  Items to collect:

  • Alexadria Monroes Figure: Found in Chakotays office on a bench.
  • Captain Protons Ray Gun: Found in Tom Paris' quarters on his bed.

  Things to Do:

  • Crew Logs: Tom Paris, Tuvoks, Janeways, Chakotays, and B'Ellanas can all be found in their quarters.
  • Mission Plans: Found in Chakotays Office. To view them click on a hidden button on his desk and watch the big view screen.
  • Replicators: Located in Tom Paris, Tuvoks, Janeways, Chakotays, and B'Ellanas quarters, and there is one in Chakotays office.

Voyager Deck 4 - Hazard Ops

  Items to collect:

  • Lt. Foster Figure: Found in the brig.
  • Weapons: Most Found in the Armory, you can pick-up the phasor, compression rifle, stasis weapon and the scavenger weapon. The grenade launcher can be found in Biessmans locker. The dreadnought weapon can be found in the cargo bay, and can only be reached by transporting some boxes there.
  • Stasis Fireflies: Found in Chells quarters.
  • Elite Force Poster: Found in Odells Locker

  Things to Do:

  • Crew Logs: Julia Jurots, Austin Changs, Chells, Rick Biessmans, Telsia Murphys all located in their quarters. Les Fosters log found in the briefing room.
  • Weapon Library: Located in the armory and to the right of the holodeck door.
  • Shooting Range Results: Located in the armory to the left of the holodeck door.
  • Transporter Room: Can take you to any deck you want including Deck 15 which is called the Ventral Maintenance.
  • Holodeck: From here you can access four programs. They include a Captain Proton mission, Kingon Compound, a Tranquil Garden, and a Shooting Range.
  • Replicators: There are two in the Hazard Ops Mess Hall, and the rest are in the quarters of Julia Jurot, Austin Chang, Chell, Rick Biessman, and Telsia.

Voyager Deck 5 - Sick Bay

  Items to collect:

  • Biessman figure: located in a hallway to the right of a force field.

  Things to Do:

  • Doctors Personal Log: Found on his desk.
  • Disease Library: Located in the medical lab on a wall.
  • Rick Biessman in Morgue: Use the control panel by the door in a back room of the medical lab.
  • Hazard Team Medical Log: Located on the Doctors desk.

Voyager Deck 8 - Astrometrics

  Items to collect:

  • Borg Foster Figure: Found behind the astrometrics display.
  • Chell Figure: Found on a crate in the back of the large cargo bay.
  • Photon Gun: Beam to astrometrics (deck 8) from deck 4.
  • Compression Guns: On the second story in the large cargo bay.

  Things to Do:

  • Seven of Nines Personal Log: Found near her borg alcove.
  • Astrometrics Display: Found in the astrometrics room, this will allow you to view most of the aliens you encounter during the game and many details about planets that Voyager has encountered. It also has a holograohic display of anything you choose.
  • Cargo Log: Found in the large cargo bay on a control panel.

Voyager Deck 9 - Computer Core

  Items to collect:

  • Computer Access Codes:  Found by going through some Jefferies Tubes and entering into the main computer room.
  • Austin Chang Figure:  Found in the computer room in a corner.

  Things to Do: None

Voyager Deck 10 - Shuttle Bay

  Items to collect:

  • Julia Jurot Figure: Found in a cargo hold below the Delta Flyer.
  • Tetyon Disrupter: Found above the cargo hold in a Jefferies Tube. You will need to break some glass to get to the Jefferies Tube. Also you will need to open a door that is slightly ajar. To do so, just use it.

  Things to Do:

  • Send the Shuttle into Space: First, turn on a force field located by an elevator that takes you down to the shuttle. Second, open the shuttle bay doors. Third, release the docking clamps, the control panel is found beneath the Delta Flyer. Last press another control panel by Tom Paris. There is a female crewmember standing near it. Once it has been pressed, sit back and watch the shuttle fly off.

Voyager Deck 11 - Engineering

  Items to collect:

  • Telsia Murphey Figure: Located on the second floor of engineering near a door by the warp core.

  Things to Do:

  • Shutdown the Warp Core: The same way you did in the original game. First get access codes. Secondly shut down the power relays. Lastly, go to the upper level and decouple the dilithium matrix.

Voyager Deck 15 - Ventral Maintenance

  Items to collect:

  • Raven Plaque: Found on a wall by Crewman Dischler (the only crewmember there is).

  Things to Do:

  • Creman Dischler Personal Log: Found on a small desk.
  • Landing Gear Control: Found right beneath the only window on the deck.
  • Borg Slayer Game: A game Crewman Dischler put together. A complete walkthrough will be talked about a little bit later on.

Holodeck Mission 1 - Tranquil Garden

  You start on one end of the garden with a beautiful overhang. Continue to the opposite side and grab the compression rifle. Hide behind the benches and be prepared to kill a lot of monsters. Once they are dead, the mission is completed. You can sit back and enjoy the garden. Be sure to note, that if you kill the farmer, one of Species 8472 will appear and attack you.

Holodeck Mission 2 - Shooting Range

  The objective is quite simple in this level. Destroy everything that moves. Little red targets will float around you and you need to destroy them. The best strategy is to lead your target and fire. The best weapon for this mission is the phasor, because you can hold down fire for quite a time while aiming at the target.

Holodeck Mission 3 - Captain Proton
Part 1

  You begin this program standing in a canyon with the holodeck controls behind you. Run down the canyon until you see the first structure. Continue toward it and climb up the two sets of stairs. Follow the walkway along until you come to a control panel that looks like an old radio. Press (use) it. This should start up electricity powering an elevator you will come across in a bit.

  Follow the walkway back and go down the stairs. As soon as you finish climbing down the last set of stairs, look to your right and you should see another building. This building will have electricity flowing from it to the building you are currently beside.  Run down to that building.  As soon as you reach it, you will see what appears to be a part of the building with arrows pointing up. This is an elevator, walk toward it and it will carry you up.

  Follow the canyon some more and you will see another structure to your right. Walk toward this building until you see stairs. This time however, instead of going up the stairs, you need to go under them. As soon as you are under you will see another button you will need to press. This will turn off the electricity. Turn around and take a right, through the canyon. After following it a ways, you should see yet another building with a symbol toward the top of it. The picture upon the building should look like a crash car dummy symbol. When you arrive at the building, you should see a rather large door that has been blocked by huge boulders. There is no need to go down there. Instead, take a left and carefully work your way up a narrow ledge on the canyon wall. Once you are on top of the building, carefully make your way to the far right of  the roof passing the crash car dummy symbol and coming to the canyon wall on the opposite side.

  Look out and you will see a few boxes on the ground with a guard to the right and left of the boxes. Look left some more and you will see what appears to be a sniper tower. Standing on the ledge, kill both guards in the tower, then the two guards on the ground by "sniping" them. They take two hits  to kill and you will know they are dead when you hear a slight scream. Be warned, when they are hit once they duck down making them harder targets. Once they are dead, jump down. You will lose around forty health in the fall, but you will have plenty more opportunities to regain health.

  Continue forward until you come to the boxes. There are two directions you can go, one to the right of the tower in which you sniped the guards, and one to the left. Take the one to the right.  Continue on through the canyon.  Be on the lookout for a guard on the left as soon as you finish coming over a slight hill. As soon as you have finished the firefight with the guard, climb the stairs on the left and follow the walkway along. You should find yourself in the sniper tower. Look on the right side and you should see another sniper tower. There is one guard in there, kill him. As soon as you are finished, go back down the walkway and stairs, and take a left in the canyon, and continue forward.

  You should come to a large building with an open door. Go to the doors and just barely go inside. Look for a guard to the right who is monitoring a control panel. Kill him. Continue cautiously forward. There are two more guards in the room, one near the guard you just shot, and one to the left. After killing them, go through the door with the same crash car dummy symbol. You should see a long walkway. There is a guard way down on the other side, shoot him from a distance. Continue forward about halfway and you should see two more guards peering out from a window on the left. When they are dead, continue forward through the next door.

  Once inside, there is a control panel to your left that will replenish your ammo. Its right by the window you just shot the guards from. When you are done, turn around and continue down the hallway. As you come to the end of the building, their will be a guard to your left. Once he is dead, go outside and cross the walkway.  Once inside the next building take a right. You will come to an "L" shaped part of  the building. To your right is one guard and a health replenisher. Once you have replenished your health, continue onward to your right. There are two more guards in the room and a strange button on the wall. This button you see on the wall is the switch for the elevator right by it. Use the button and ride the elevator down.

  As soon as you are down, you will see a guard to the right. As soon as you have killed him two more will emerge. When they are dead, continue forward and press a button with the two blinking lights above it.  When done, turn around and take the exit that leads outside.  Follow the stairs down.  Continue to the left through the canyon.  Go up some stairs and through the door with the crash dummy symbol.  Look to your left and you should see another door and three guards in towers above it.  When they are dead, go through the door under them, and kill the guard on the right.  Continue on through the canyon and go up some stairs.  You should see a large statue in the distance.  Go to the left.  Ahead a ways is a health recharger.  To your right is a sniper tower with two guards in it.  After taking care of the guards,  continue toward the statue and kill yet another guard.  Go through the opening in the building.

Part 2: Evil Stronghold of Dr. Chaotica

  You start in the palace with the holodeck controls to your left and giant doors in front of you.  Go through the door and kill a guard.  There is also a guard at the top of the stairs you can kill.  Continue up the stairs and go through some giant doors.  There is a guard on the top of the balcony you can kill.  There is health on the right behind the pillar supporting the balcony, and ammo on the left side.  Continue forward and kill a guard on both the left and the right.  Looking at the balcony, take a right.  Follow the hallway along until you come across four more guards.  When they are dead, continue through the hallway pausing the use the ammo charger on your right.

  As you continue, another guard will run toward you and try to kill you.  As you continue forward you will come to a left and a right.  Take a right and go up some stairs.  There are three guards at the top.  continue you forward and go through an oddly shaped door.  Three more guards await you.  continue through the next door.  There will be another guard right in front of you.  Go forward and take a left and fight three more guards.  There is health and ammo to you right.  There is a hallway with two guards you need to kill on your right.  After you have gone through the hallway, you will come to a room with Dr. Chaotica and his evil robot.

  To kill the robot, run around the room, constantly moving and shooting at him.  It takes about 10 shots to kill him.  Next, you must kill Dr. Chaotica.  The best strategy is to strafe, then shoot, then strafe again.  It takes about five shots to kill him.

Holodeck Mission 4 - Klingon Compound

  You start in a small room with the holodeck controls behind you and some barrels in front of you.  Your weapon are the phaser and the compression rifle.  Exit the room and take a left.  There is a Klingon patrolling at the end of the hallway.  He should take about four shots to kill.  When he is dead, take his gun.  When finished, take a left and go down the hallway until you come to a rather square room.  To the left is a button you need to press.  The button looks like a red key (see screenshot).  Once it is pressed, turn around and collect the isodisium to the right.  Continue back down the hallway and go through the door with the three green dots.  There will be a Klingon to your left.  Shoot him.

  Go forward through the next door until you emerge outside.  Here you will find five Klingons you need to kill, two are at your left, one is hiding beside some boxes towards the front left, and there is one on the balcony above you.  The last Klingon is patrolling around.  Once they are dead, walk to the far left corner and collect another isodisium.  Once you have got it, look toward the boxes and scan toward your left.  You should see a health regenerator.  Use it.

  Once that is done, head back toward the door you came through.  When you are about half way there, look to your left and you should see a yellow ladder surrounded by a fence with some boxes stacked on the outside.  Climb over the boxes and hop over the fence.  Collect some more isodisium to the right of the ladder, then climb the ladder.  Once you are at the top, follow the walkway along.  At the end of it, look down and you should see a small ledge you can jump on.  After jumping on the ledge, you should see a door to your left.  Go through it.

  When you have entered, you should see a way to your left, and one to your right.  Go to the one to the right and look down over part of the compound.  Shoot the patrolling Klingon and then take the previous left.  Continue forward and you will once again see three different ways to go.  Go forward and turn around.  There are two Klingons below you that are monitoring a control panel.  After you have killed them, take a left and collect the isodisium.   Next, turn around and follow the walkway to the other side. You should see another left and right.  Go right and collect some more isodisium.  Take the yellow ladder down on the left.

  When down, click on the red button.  Take a left and follow the hallway along.  Next, go right.  You will find five Klingons you will need to fight in the next room.  When they are deceased, continue on until you come across a red force field.  Going right, collect some more isodisium and then press the button on your left.  Go back and continue through where the red force field was.  Take a right and battle two more Klingons.  Get health and proceed to the elevator like contraption.  It should beam you to the next section of the level.

  Continue through the next door with the green dots.  There are four Klingons waiting for you.  One on balcony and three down below you.  Remember the one Klingon on the balcony?  There is a walkway over there.  Follow it and take a left.  After killing the next Klingon, continue forward on some pipes.  Collect the isodisium and go left on the walkway.  Jump over the rail and press the red button on your left.  Next, go through the green door and kill another Klingon.  Then use the health regenerator found in the room.  Now, continue all the way back to the green door that originally brought you to this large room.  Go through the door and take a right, continuing onward through the Jefferies Tube.

  Take the yellow ladder down.  At the bottom, take the next Jefferies Tube you see.  Go forward and shoot the patrolling Klingon from inside the Jefferies Tube.  Emerge from the room and kill the Klingon you find at the other side of the force field.  He was monitoring a button you need to press.  After pressing the button, turn around and you should see an open "hole" in the ground.  Go down it and go through the next Jefferies Tube collecting the isodisium.  Once out, go up the next ladder.  You should be surrounded by a red force field (quite a popular Klingon decoration).

  Collect the data pad from a table in front of you and press the two buttons you see.  Three Klingons will beam in.  Fight and kill them all.  Turn around and run to the door on the other side of the room.  The mission will end abruptly.

Borg Slayer

  This little game was put together by Crewman Dischler in his free time. You start this game in a long hallway. The first thing you might notice, is that you are playing in a third person view. Run along the hallway until you come to the a large square platform with paths through it. You are standing on a section that will rotate when you press some red buttons that will be talked about in a bit. For now continue on through it until you come a blocked section of the level. To your right is a red square with arrows and to your left is a cracked wall. Shoot the wall a few times until it crumbles.

  Continue forward and grab the scavenger rifle. Turn around, and there will  be four borg you will need to kill. As soon as they are dead, you should hear Seven of Nine say," destroy that field generator". This is your cue to to shoot the glowing green box on the wall. Next, turn around and get health, then go back to the area you blew the wall open. You should once again see the red switch with arrows. Go step on it. The middle area should rotate creating a new path. Follow the path along and you should find yourself shortly near some steam coming off the wall. This steam will harm you greatly. Be careful when going across, and try to time the crossing right. The steam will be off for about two seconds before it comes back on.

  Once through, take a sharp right and then a left. You should see another crumbly wall. Shoot it but don't go through the newly opened pathway. There are two deadly guns inside. Blowing up the wall gives you an exit for this next part. Head back to some stairs. and jump across. Once across, continue forward being sure to stay on the left until you come across an elevator. Ride it up. Follow the path along and pick up a stasis weapon. Be careful because three borg beam in and they can shoot. Go forward and take a left and another borg will beam in. When he is dead, continue on and step on a green button. It starts up another elevator.

  Turn around and follow the walkways all the way back to the elevator you just rode up and take it down. Once down take a sharp right, then left and then another sharp right and continue until you arrive at the next elevator. Ride this one up. Continue forward and press anther green button. Turn around and ride the elevator back down. When down, turn until you can see the staircase and go forward. Once at the end, take a left to where Seven of Nine is being held. Shoot the shield generator on the wall.

  Once Seven has beamed out, go back to the elevator you just came from and ride it back up. This time, take a left and then another left. There are five borg you need to kill in this room. When they are dead, continue forward and press the red button. Now go back to the area Seven was rescued at. Once there, go toward the steam, and take the stairs. Jump top the next set of stairs. Now jump to the balcony where you see the photon burst weapon. Jump through the next two walkways.

  Mission Complete.

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