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Star Trek DS9 Dominion Wars: Ships


The following ship classes are featured in Dominion Wars. These images are from the official website. More images of these ships can be found on the screenshots page.

Federation | Klingon | Jem'Hadar | Cardassian | Other Races

The Defiant-Class ship occupies a unique position in the history of StarFleet ship development, for it was the first ship dedicated primarily to combat. The Defiant's low profile, compact design, ablative armor and Romulan cloaking make it ideal for patrol duties in heavily guarded enemy space and covert operations deep into Dominion space. The original prototype was equipped to pose a formidable threat to Borg ships. However, hostilities with the Borg ceased and the first prototype USS Defiant was assigned to DS9 in order to thwart any Jem'Hadar advances.
A string of Borg victories over Starfleet demonstrated the need for a highly maneuverable ship with improved weapons. The Steamrunner was the response, with a low profile and an increased firing rate for both torpedo banks and phasers. The Steamrunner also incorporated an enhanced threat analysis sytem and enhanced shield phasing technology.
The Akira-Class is Starfleet's premiere Heavy Cruiser. Equipped with quad high-rate Type-10 Phaser Rings and advanced tactical systems it posed a formidable threat to any Dominion attack force. The Akira was designed to be a multi-role vessel. It is equally good as a Fleet ship used in medium range offensives or as a lone border patrol duties where its enhanced tactical sensor suite enables it to detect even the stealthiest infiltrators.
Faced with both the Cardassian Hutets and the Jem'Hadar Super Cruisers the Federation needed a hard-hitting heavy cruiser that was easier to make than the Sovereign-Class. Starfleet specified a long-range, multi-purpose, heavy cruiser that could penetrate Dominion defenses and strike Strategic installations with little or no escort. The Achilles' exceptional low profile, quickness and armament could pit it against fighter class vessels, heavy cruisers, and small defended installations, specifically K-W production facilities. With the introduction of the Mini-Quantum Torpedo Phalanx weapons systems the Achilles-Class could cripple enemy warships while maintaining target on an enemy objective.
Born from Starfleet's original edict to explore the universe, the Galaxy-Class cruiser improved the Federation's ability to penetrate further into the recesses of uncharted territory. Of course, with expansion comes hostility, and the Galaxy-Class was also equipped with the most advanced weapons and tactical systems to support unescorted deep space expeditions. Underneath its design Starfleet knew with its long distance capability they could introduce new races outside the Alpha quadrant into the Federation Alliance, hence strengthening and broadening the Federation's presence in the galaxy.


The Klingon Empire's aging war fleet, sagging economy and low morale in the military nearly doomed its capacity to wage long-term military campaigns even on the smallest of fronts. In an attempt to revive the call to war they once had, the Klingon's required a combat vessel that was affordable and that would inspire their people back into battle. The B'rel-class Bird-of-Prey fighters provided the Klingon empire with a new tactic- Search and Destroy. Hearkening back to Earth's pirate history, Captains would be able to roam space and choose targets opportunistically, which assisted greatly in the restoration of the Klingon Empire.
The Klingon battle cruiser has been the background of the Klingon Defense Force for many years. The original D7-type battle cruiser was later significantly upgraded with more powerful disruptor banks and an additional torpedo launcher, but the Klingon preference for quickness in battle over armor is still reflected in the K't'inga-class battle cruiser. Only the most skilled Klingon captains received a commission aboard these ships.
When the Federation chose to align itself with Cardassia the Klingons were faced with the new Starfleet cruisers, Akira-Class and Achilles-Class. They required a maneuverable, highly armed cruiser that could dominate one-on-one combat scenarios with these cruisers. The K'vort Cha-Class carries the next generation Disruptor Cannons that delivers a phasic shield inhibitor along with special hull-breaching capabilities. This ship rewards the aggressive lone wolf captain with good clean kills.
Even though the K'tinga-Class had proven itself battle worthy, by the middle of the 24th Century it was being outmatched by the new Federation Ambassador class starships. The Klingon Empire required a new Attack Cruiser design that would fit into the evolving Klingon Fleet formations. Not only it would serve as a close fleet support vessel but also as a fast troop carrier. Despite its classification of heavy cruiser it has shown itself to be quite successful in long-range pursuit.
This new flagship was developed under extreme secrecy even among some political factions within the Klingon High Council. Introduced in 2372, its design was a radical departure from the light, agile, offensive minded vessels the Klingon Defense Force is known for producing. It instead was larger than the Galaxy class with just as much firepower and was able to carry a security compliment of 2700 which boosted its role as a siege vessel. It is believed that the ruling family sought a design that symbolized its ultimate power and control of the Klingon Empire and as the reigning power in the Alpha Quadrant.


The Jem'Hadar fighters were developed to take advantage of the genetically engineered strengths of the Jem'Hadar warriors. These small agile attack fighters were designed to strike any enemy vessel of any size within a sub-quadrant. Designed with advanced deflectors, the Jem fighters are able to avoid tractor beams and are particularly deadly when employing their infamous ramming tactic.
In the early years of the Dominion Wars, the Dominion had clearly dominated ship-to-ship combat with the Jem'Hadar fighter and its ramming tactics. But its fleet was dwindling due to excessive ramming, and lacked quick, durable ships which could not only go head-to-head with other ships, but be able to secure and hold a sector until reinforcements arrived. The Strike Cruiser carried a large complement of crew to facilitate the capture of medium cruisers and small outposts.
With the introduction of the Achilles class by Starfeet the Dominion found itself at a marked disadvantage in firepower and maneuverability. To counter this threat they have a new class of ship identified as a Battle Cruiser. It is as heavily armed as the Galor-Class, but is significantly lighter shielded than the Strike Cruiser. It intended to destroy any Federation ship that can catch it, and run away from any ship that could destroy it. The Battle Cruiser is one of the few large JH ships that can be repaired outside of Dominion territories. Its high speed makes its use in conjunction with fighters a particularly effective tactic when used against the classic 'troika' used by the Klingons.
The Dominion War Ship mission, to put it simply, is to dominate fleet engagements with brute force. It is also ideally suited to attack and destroy large starbases and military installations. It is armed with two Phased Polaron beams and five large Polaron beams. When combined with Attack ship escorts and Carriers deep penetration planetary assaults are now Frighteningly possible.
The Dominion offensive to put into submission neighboring systems cost them large numbers of attack fighters and Jem'Hadar soldiers. Ramming was effective in destroying enemy ships but was taking its toll. In order to continue this tactic indefinitely in the Alpha quadrant the Dominion would need a way to transport large numbers of Jem'Hadar soldiers, and the Ketracel-White, deep into the Alpha Quadrant. Current Installations producing Jem'Hadar and K-W were being destroyed at will by the new Achilles-Class. The Super Carrier, equipped with a kW manufacture plant and Jem'Hadar support systems would provide fresh troops and fighter captains at the point of attack.


Near the beginning of hostilities between Cardassia and the Federation, Cardassian Fleet Command had already specified the need for a heavily armored assault fighter to take on Star Fleet cruisers. Cardassian Galors were too slow and lightly armed in a one-on-one fight with any large StarFleet cruiser. Although the Hideki Class had a relatively short R&D phase and incorporated pre-existing technology, actual use demonstrated an unexpected capacity for long-range deep space tactical operations.
The Cardassian fleets took heavy damage when Starfleet's Escort-class ships were introduced. As a reaction, the Cardassians created the Norin-class ships, which are more agile than previous ships and have fortified shields. Norin-class cruisers typically attack in pairs, and often attempt to contain and cripple enemies until a larger cruiser arrives to finish the job.
With the successful Klingon blockade of Cardassia Prime, a stranglehold was put on the Cardassian war industry. All of their convoys and most of their blockade runners were being intercepted by the Klingons. In a desperate effort to break the blockade Cardassian engineers went back to a 50-year-old design that could utilize locally available raw materials. In addition it could be produced quickly and cheaply. The design yielded a slow, awkward and heavily shielded cruiser. The Tonga's weapon systems were then updated with current technology. This ship was found to be ideal for pining an opponent in place while the less numerous Galors and Hidekis went for the kill.
From the time Cardassia completed its first Galor, it has taken a more aggressive policy towards the suppression of the Bajor and surrounding systems. The Galor served its role well as the enforcer of Cardassian policy. A powerful and well-balanced cruiser the Galor- Class saw many enhancements over the course of its development. The final Type-3 version, which was the first Cardassian ship outfitted with the Wave Cannon, is a powerful long-range weapon capable of larger warships with a single strike.
Cardassia was surging ahead with its expansionist policy in the Alpha Quadrant, but it found it difficult to secure and maintain order in a colonized system without extensive long-term military presence. They could not afford to use existing Galor-Class vessels as they were assigned to wage war with the Federation and could not be spared in large enough numbers. So a new ship was specified, the Hutet-class. At the time of its introduction, the Hutet-class was the largest ship known in the Alpha-Quadrant. The Hutet was designed primarily to disperse a large number a troops and equipment far away from any support facilities. It also could hold back any major attacks without sacrificing territorial domination, even if it sustained substantial damage. Advanced structural integrity fields made this possible.


The Maquis rebel forces were a reaction to Cardassian hostilities, and were used primarily for self-defense. Most Maquis ships were created from outdated Starfleet vessels, which were outfitted with photon torpedoes and type-8 phasers. Due largely to impressive and experienced leadership, these Raiders successfully apply pressure to Cardassian convoys and outposts in spite of technical limitations.
The Bajoran Assault Vessel is one of those ships that don't fall easily into any standard classification. While its speed, shielding, and armament would have it rated as a Class 1 vessel, its size and crew capacity push it into Class 2. It was designed to carry and deploy multiple security assault teams. This it does very well and Starfleet has acquired several for evaluation. The Bajoran Militia has found to be particularly effective when used as anti-piracy patrol vessel.
The Ferengi D'Kora-Class marauder is a sophisticated class of vessel that is seen in many configurations. All configurations have large crew capacity and can mount all known Phasers, Disrupters, and Torpedoes systems. In addition some D'Koras have a powerful ship-disabling beam similar in effect to the weapon used by the Breens. Ships equipped with the Disabler and other Shield disrupting weapons are often used by Liquidators and "Privateers".
The D'deridex-class is largest known Romulan warship in the Romulan Fleet. It is significantly larger than the Galaxy-Class starships in volume, but slightly less massive. Oddly the D'deridex is also somewhat less maneuverable than a Galaxy. Starfleet has yet to come up with an adequate explanation for this seeming contradiction. The D'deridex has greater firepower than a Galaxy but a somewhat more limited arc of fire. Like all Romulan ships it is powered by an artificial micro-singularity. It is this unusual power source is what gives all Romulan Warbirds their unique 'hollowed out' look.

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