Star Trek Online: Designer Diary : A Holiday Story


PUBLISHED: Dec 25, 2005
Mike Stemmle

Greetings, fellow Trekkers, -ies, -ites, and -ezians!

I'm Mike Stemmle, Glen's new "story lead" on Star Trek Online. Some of you may recognize my name from my fourteen-year tenure at LucasArts, where I poured blood, sweat, tears, and other various bodily fluids into games like Sam and Max Hit the Road, Star Wars: Jedi Outcast, and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. If you recognize my name from Afterlife, then you have my sincerest apologies.

These days, Perpetual is paying me actual real American money to sit at a desk bouncing story ideas off of Glen's head until he sees something he likes. Speaking as a lifelong Trek fan raised in an extended family of Trek fans, I have to say this gig is sweeter than a sack full of jumja sticks.

But enough about me and my fantastically lucky life.

Today I thought I'd tease y'all with a little bit of info about STO's initial "state of the galaxy." One of the (many dozens of) challenges inherent in setting STO "20 years in the future's future" is extrapolating the state of the various great forces in the Star Trek universe in way that feels both dramatically "right" for the story we wish to tell, and "right" for Star Trek in general. As such, we've already spilled a great deal of ink (and slurped down a lot of smoothies) thinking about the "future" of just about ALL of the major Star Trek races (and quite a few of the minor ones). Today we'll be taking a brief look at three of the Federation's most high-profile historical adversaries, followed by a quick peek into the state of the Federation itself.

Before we begin, excuse me for a sec while I slip into my "storyteller" voice...check, check...sibilance, sibilance...alrighty then...

Stardate 77021.1
In the twenty years since the infamous Shinzon Affair, the United Federation of Planets' vision of intergalactic harmony has edged tantalizingly close to becoming a reality.

Negotiations with the Romulan Star Empire, at an impasse for more than a generation, have recently accelerated due to a series of unexpected concessions on the part of the Romulans. Though many within the Federation suspect their old foes are up to something, most see the breakthrough as the result of the galaxy-renowned diplomatic skills of a certain 94-year-old Terran Ambassador.

The Klingon Empire, once the Federation's greatest foe, is now one of their staunchest allies. Though some (notably the recently-restored House of Duras) rail against the reduced role of the Empire in the affairs of the galaxy, most Klingons believe the Federation to be an honorable (if somewhat thin-blooded) partner. Nowhere is this attitude more prevalent than in the acolytes of Miral Paris, the alleged Klingon 'kuvah'magh,' who have chosen to join Starfleet in the young prophet's footsteps.

The Borg, who once spread across the galaxy like an unstoppable disease, have scarcely been seen since the destruction of their massive transwarp hub two decades ago. While some fear that they are marshalling their resources for a fresh invasion of the Alpha Quadrant, most believe that the Borg have collectively decided that assimilation of the Federation simply isn't worth the effort. In any event, defenses introduced into Starfleet vessels by Admiral Janeway and Seven of Nine have made the Borg a much more manageable threat.

And so it goes throughout the quadrant, as old enemies are transformed into new friends, old fears become less scary, and old conflicts seemingly fade away.

Now, at the cusp of the 25th century, the United Federation of Planets finds itself in much the same position as its human founders some 300 years ago. The great wars appear to be over, the great threats have been tamed, and a universe of possibilities awaits.

Appearing at this historically critical juncture in the UFP's history is a charismatic president with a bold vision for the future. Urging citizens and scientists alike to look towards "the next frontier," the president has ordered a dramatic drawdown of Starfleet, transferring resources from the machines of war to the technologies that will fuel the exploration efforts of the future. Foremost amongst these peacetime initiatives is the construction of a network of enormous transwarp conduits, capable of flinging ships from one end of the quadrant to the other in mere instants. Reverse engineered from captured Borg technology, these portals hold the promise of finally making good on the seemingly limitless potential of transwarp technology.

At least, they would if they weren't so expensive...and didn't break down so often. But the president claims he has a plan to fix that, too.

Although most are happy to have lived long enough to see Starfleet's swords beaten into plowshares, others have their doubts. Some elements of Starfleet, used to seeing enemies everywhere, are convinced that the Federation is being lulled into a trap, and are secretly preparing for the inevitable wars that will follow once the trap is sprung. Others, echoing a complaint often voiced three hundred years ago, worry that humanity may not be ready to master the advanced and largely untested technologies at the heart of the Federation's new initiatives. And still others, like a certain 94-year-old Terran Ambassador, have never forgotten that the universe is more surprising and more dangerous than anyone can imagine...

End transmission.

Standard Disclaimer: As always, it's a good idea to remember that these story notions are subject to change, nothing's written in stone, observation inevitably affects both the observer and the observed, etc. Still, pretty darned portentous, eh wot? I know I get goose bumps just thinking about it...or maybe I'm just suffering from polywater intoxication....

In any event, thanks for the continued support, and Happy Holidays!

Mike Stemmle, Story Hologram

PS Careful readers of the above entry may have noticed a subtle shift in our thinking about the place of Klingons within both Starfleet and STO in general. To wit:

Yes, there will be Klingons in Starfleet, and players will be able to choose them.
Previously, we had removed Klingons from the selectable races, based in part on your feedback, and also because we were having a difficult time explaining the "Klingon Explosion" ourselves.

After getting the results of our survey, however, it became apparent that a not-insignificant portion of audience really really REALLY wants to play as a Klingon. So we took another look at the canon, and up popped Miral Paris. You should have seen Glen's eyes light up.

Thanks to the kuvah'magh sect, we believe we've found a plot device that a) explains the presence of Klingons within Starfleet, b) maintains the integrity of the Klingon Empire faction for a possible STO expansion, and c) launches a number of intriguing subplots about the doings on the Klingon High Council. All in all, we believe it's an across-the-board win.

Besides, with all the other races we've added to Starfleet since we started, those Klingons'll blend right in :)

In any event, that's our brand-spanking-new approach to Klingons in Starfleet. Right now we're as happy as Ferengi in a Q-Tip factory about it, but we also recognize that it's a big move that'll take some getting used to. As always, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the idea.