Below is a record of all Star Trek games sorted by their release on various platforms.
Within each platform, the games released for that system are listed in alphabetical order. Please contact us if you notice any errors or omissions.
* Asterisks indicate which games are non-commercial or have an unknown commercial status.

Star Trek The Next Generation Blinded By The Light
Star Trek The Next Generation A World For All Seasons 
Star Trek*
Star Trek 25th Anniversary 
Star Trek The Action Game*
Star Trek The Arcade Game*
Star Trek The Game*
Star Trek The Game of the Future of Mankind*
Star Trek Themes, The* 
Star Trek The Pong Generation*
3D Time Trek
Vagan Attack
Star Trek First Contact
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
Star Trek The Kobayashi Alternative 
Star Trek The Promethean Prophecy
Star Trek (1972) 
Star Trek (1978) 
Star Trek (1991) 
Star Trek Borg Contact
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
Star Trek The Next Generation 
Star Trek Voyager The Arcade Game 
Starfleet: Wargames*
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
Stellar Track 
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
Star Trek The Klingon War*
Star Trek The Next Generation Encounter at Arcturus*
Star Trek The Rebel Universe
Super Trek*
Starfleet Encounter 
Star Trek (1982) 
Star-Trek (1983) 
Star Trek (19??) 
Star Trek Adventure 
Star Trek The Game* 
Time Trek 
Trek II The Final Frontier 
Vagan Attack
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
3D Time Trek
3D Time Trek
Starship Command*
Star Trek (1983 - 1)
Star Trek* (1983 - 2)
Star Trek (1984 - 1)
Star Trek* (1984 - 2)
Star Trek (19?? - 1)
Star Trek* (19?? - 2)
Star Trek* (19?? - 3)
Star Trek* (19?? - 4)
Star Trek III - The Adventure*
Star Trek IV
Star Trek 64*
Star Trek 6.8*
Star Trek Evolution
Star Trek Flucht ins Paradies
Star Trek Pinball*
Star Trek Star Fleet Simulation*
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
Star Trek The Computer Game*
Star Trek The Klingon Attack*
Star Trek The Kobayashi Alternative 
Star Trek The Promethean Prophecy
Star Trek The Rebel Universe
Star Trek The Romulan Attack*
Star Wreck*
Super Star Trek* (1978)
Super Star Trek* (19?? - 1)
Super Star Trek* (19?? - 2)
Super Star Trek Enhanced*
Trek (1982)
Trek (1984)
Trek 64
Trek Adventure
Vagan Attack
3D Star Trek*
SpaceTrek 2*
Star Trek* (1978)
Star Trek* (19??)
Star Trek 16K*
Star Trek 6.8*
Super Trek
Time Trek
3D Time Trek
Dutch Super Star Trek*
Star Trek
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
Super Star Trek*
Super Star Trek 16K
Star Trek: The Next Generation "STRANDED" 
[Dawnsoft Pinball Games]*
Three Dimensional Star Trek*
3D Trek*
Alcor Trivia Pro Classic Star Trek, The
Beam - Up Version 2.0
Begin - A Tactical Starship Simulation 
Borg Nukem* 
EGA Trek
Ensign Wesley Crusher DIE DIE DIE
Kill the Wuss*
Space Blasters*
Starship Challenge*
STARSHIP: Invasion*
Starship Valiant*
Star Trek* (1990)
STARTREK* (1991)
Star Trek* (2000)
Star Trek 25th Anniversary 
Star Trek V The Final Frontier
Star Trek: Assault*
Star Trek Borg 
Star Trek Command Operations Simulator
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Harbinger 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Harbinger Holosuite Missions 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine The Hunt 
Star Trek First Contact
Star Trek Judgment Rites 
STAR TREKKING - The Adventure*
Star Trek The Kobayashi Alternative 
Star Trek - The Last Generation*
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Star Trek The Next Generation "A Final Unity" 
Star Trek The Next Generation "A Final Unity" Preview 
Star Trek The Next Generation The Transinium Challenge
Star Trek The Next Generation: TRIVIA
Star Trek: The Nth Iteration*
Star Trek The Promethean Prophecy
Star Trek The Rebel Universe
Star Trek The Second Encounter*
Super Star Trek* (1986)
Super Star Trek* (2002) 
Trek Trivia
Tribbles The Next Generation* 
Trivial Trek* 
Turbo Trek
Type Trek* 
Video Trek 88
Visual Star Trek*
War Encounter*
Star Trek 25th Anniversary
Star Trek Generations Beyond the Nexus
Star Trek The Next Generation
Star Trek Generations Beyond the Nexus
Star Trek The Next Generation The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial
20Q Star Trek 
Star Trek (1992)
Star Trek (19??)
Star Trek 25th Anniversary
Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek First Contact Portable Arcade Game
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Video Game Watch 
Star Trek Phaser Battle
Star Trek The Electronic Game
Star Trek The Next Generation (1988)
Star Trek The Next Generation (19??)
Scene It? Star Trek Deluxe 
Star Trek Infinite Space 
Star Voyager* 
Super Star Trek* 
Mini-Omnipedia: Star Trek Starfleet Academy Files 
Scene It? Star Trek Deluxe
Star Trek 25th Anniversary 
Star Trek AudioClips Volume One The Logical Collection 
Star Trek AudioClips Volume Two The Final Frontier 
Star Trek Borg 
Star Trek Captain's Chair 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Companion 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Harbinger
Star Trek Deep Space Nine The Fallen 
Star Trek Elite Force II 
Star Trek Encyclopedia 
Star Trek Infinite Space 
Star Trek Judgment Rites 
Star Trek Klingon
Star Trek Omnipedia 
Star Trek Plus*
Star Trek Starfleet Academy
Star Trek Starship Creator
Star Trek Starship Creator Deluxe 
Star Trek Starship Creator Warp II 
Star Trek The Kobayashi Alternative 
Star Trek The Next Generation "A Final Unity" 
Star Trek The Next Generation AudioClips Virtual Data 
Star Trek The Next Generation AudioClips Volume One Encounter at Farpoint 
Star Trek The Next Generation AudioClips Volume Two The Best of Both Worlds 
Star Trek The Next Generation Companion 
Star Trek The Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual 
Star Trek The Next Generation Klingon Honor Guard 
Star Trek The Next Generation Stardate 
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force 
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force Expansion Pack 
Star Trek Phaser Strike
Star Trek Tactical Assault 
Star Trek 25th Anniversary
Star Trek The Next Generation
Star Trek Conquest 
10K Star-Trek
Oric Trek (1983)
Oric Trek* (1984)
Star Trek* (1983)
Star Trek* (19??)
Super Trek
Star Trek*
Super Star Trek* 
Star Trek Invasion
Scene It? Star Trek Deluxe 
Star Trek Encounters 
Star Trek Invasion 2 
Star Trek Online 
Star Trek Shattered Universe 
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force 
Platform Info | |
Scene It? Star Trek Deluxe 
Star Trek (2012)
Star Trek D.A.C 
YooStar 2 
Star Trek: The Original Series - Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Special Edition
Star Trek Tactical Assault 
Star Trek
Star Trek Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Crossroads of Time
Star Trek The Next Generation Echoes From the Past
Crystal Quest
Starship Enterprise
Star Trek (1982 - 1)
Star Trek (1982 - 2)
Star Trek (1982 - 3)
Star Trek (1982 - 4)
Star Trek (1983 - 1)
Star Trek (1983 - 2)
Star Trek (1984)
Star Trek 3000
Star Trek The Computer Game
Star Wreck
Super Star Trek*
Vagan Attack
ZX Trek
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Crossroads of Time
Star Trek Starfleet Academy Starship Bridge Simulator 
Star Trek The Next Generation "Future's Past"
Color Trek
Star Trek
Star Trek 3.5
Star Trek Strategic Operations Simulator 
Star Trek The Motion Picture
Star Trek Bridge Crew
Birth Of The Federation 2 - New Beginnings*
Birth Of The Federation 2 - New Beginnings* 
Brace for Impact*
Destiny's Wind* 
Enterprise: Asteroids* 
Enterprise: The Game* 
Fleet: Tactical Combat Simulator
House of Collectibles CD-ROM Guide to Star Trek Collectibles 
Master Trek
Memory ‹‹‹StarTrek Edition›››*
Mini-Omnipedia: Star Trek Starfleet Academy Files 
Scene It? Star Trek Deluxe 
Stage 9* 
Star Fleet Combat Simulator: The Academy
Starfleet Deluxe 
Star Fleet Tactics* 
Starship Combat and Tactics Simulator*
Starship Exeter: Defender of the Federation* 
Star Trek (2012)
Star Trek 3D* 
Star Trek Adventures: Year One* 
Star Trek Armada 
Star Trek Armada II 
Star Trek AudioClips Volume One The Logical Collection 
Star Trek Away Team 
Star Trek 'Badda-Bing Badda-Bang'* 
Star Trek Borg 
Star Trek Borg Assimilator 
Star Trek Bridge Commander 
Star Trek Bridge Commander II* 
Star Trek Broken Mirror 
Star Trek Captain's Chair 
Star Trek Conquest Online 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine - Balance of Power*
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Companion 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Dominion Wars 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Entertainment Utility 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine The Fallen 
Star Trek Deep Space Nine Voice Print 
Star Trek "El Duelo"* 
Star Trek Elite Force II 
Star Trek Encyclopedia 
Star Trek
Star Trek Exodus* 
Star Trek First Contact 
Star Trek First Contact Video Saver
Star Trek Font Pack, The 
Star Trek for Windows 9x
Star Trek Generations 
Star Trek Generations Interactive Multimedia Kit
Star Trek Hidden Evil
Star Trek Infinite Space  
Star Trek Klingon
Star Trek Klingon Academy
Star Trek Klingon Language Lab 
Star Trek Legacy 
Star Trek Motion Picture Audioclips 
Star Trek NCC-1701* 
Star Trek NCC-1701 - 50th Anniversary Edition* 
Star Trek New Worlds 
Star Trek Omnipedia 
Star Trek Online (2000) 
Star Trek Online (2007) 
Star Trek Pinball 
Star Trek Pride of the Federation* 
Star Trek Screen Posters 
Star Trek Secret of Vulcan Fury 
Star Trek Shooter* 
Star Trek Starfleet Academy
Star Trek Starfleet Academy Cadet Briefing 
Star Trek Starfleet Academy Chekov's Lost Missions 
Star Trek Starfleet Academy Strategic Command 
Star Trek Starfleet Command
Star Trek Starfleet Command III 
Star Trek Starfleet Command Captain's Edition 
Star Trek Starfleet Command Gold Edition 
Star Trek Starfleet Command Neutral Zone 
Star Trek Starfleet Command Orion Pirates 
Star Trek Starfleet Command Volume II Empires at War 
Star Trek Starship Creator 
Star Trek Starship Creator Deluxe 
Star Trek Starship Creator Warp II 
Star Trek
Starship Tactical Combat Simulator* 
Trek Supremacy* 
Star Trek The Game Show
Star Trek The
Continuing Voyage* 
Star Trek: The Neutral Zone* 
Star Trek: The Neutral Zone 2* 
Star Trek The Next Generation AudioClips Virtual Data 
Star Trek The Next Generation AudioClips Volume One Encounter at Farpoint 
Star Trek The Next Generation Birth of the Federation 
Star Trek The Next Generation Companion 
Star Trek The Next Generation Episode Guide 
Star Trek The Next Generation Font Pack 
Star Trek The Next Generation Game*
Star Trek The Next Generation Interactive Technical Manual 
Star Trek The Next Generation Klingon Honor Guard 
Star Trek The Next Generation Personal Multimedia Collection 
Star Trek The Next Generation Screen Saver 
Star Trek The Next Generation Stardate 
Star Trek The Next Generation Virtual Reality Audioclips 
Star Trek The Original TV Series Personal Multimedia Collection 
Star Trek The Screen Saver 
Star Trek: Tour of Duty* 
Star Trek Trivia Challenge 
Star Trek Virtual Reality Audioclips 
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force 
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force Expansion Pack 
Star Trek Voyager Entertainment Utility 
Star Trek Voyager Retribution 
Stellar Explorer*
Strek Starship Battle Simulator*
Super Star Trek* 
TC Star Trek
Trek 96*
War Encounter*
WINTREK* (1989)
WINTREK (1992 - 1)
Win Trek (1992 - 2)
Star Trek First Duty
Star Trek Fleet Command 
Star Trek Nemesis 
Star Trek Prime Directive 
Star Trek The Birds of Prey 
Star Trek The Cold Enemy
Star Trek The Mobile Game 
Star Trek Timelines 
Star Trek Trexels 
Stellar Trek
Scene It? Star Trek Deluxe 
Star Trek Shattered Universe
Scene It? Star Trek Deluxe 
Star Trek (2012) 
Star Trek D.A.C 
Star Trek Legacy 
Star Trek: The Original Series - Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Special Edition
YooStar 2 