Star Trek Invasion: The Original Backstory


Star Trek Invasion - The Original Backstory
Written by J.Swallow

Part of the development of the game involved the creation of a backstory that explained the motivations of the alien Kam'Jahtae during the plotline, but the majority of this never saw light of day; here it is in its entireity for your amusement…

The history of the Klingon Empire speaks of a adversary race known only as the Hur'q - 'the outsiders' - a species of pitiless ravagers who plundered the galaxy of its riches while Earth's civilization was still in its infancy. Whatever they could not pillage, they destroyed.

Nine centuries before they turned their weapons on the Klingons, the Hur'q had already annihilated dozens of cultures and conquered all who resisted their supremacy; race or creed were of no concern to them. The galaxy belonged to them by right of birth, and they alone could use it as they saw fit. Their pillaging had rewarded them with technologies and wonders that peace would never have yielded; thousands of worlds lived in fear of them. But in the depths of the Beta Quadrant, the Hur'q met an enemy that would split their race asunder and set them on the path to extinction.

Encountering the last of the Sevo, a highly advanced species, the Hur'q looted their technology and slew all but their most revered scientist, a being called Lekkar. The Sevo had mastered interdimensional travel, using transpatial axis generators capable of folding space-time, creating artificial wormholes that would allow the Hur'q to extend their raiding outside the galactic edge and beyond - perhaps even to other universes.

Enslaved, Lekkar was forced to do the bidding of the Hur'q, sending their attack fleets across the galaxy. A new dark age was about to begin, and with the power of the Sevo at their command, the Hur'q would raze billions of planets to ash. Unable to conscience the horrific bloodshed the Hur'q would inflict, Lekkar tricked his jailers into sending their largest force through a rift into a barren realm of subspace, and sealed them there. Taking his own life, Lekkar left the surviving members of the Hur'q race alone and unable to reactivate the transpatial device.

Those who escaped Lekkar's trap rebuilt what they could and turned outward, determined to search for a way to release their brethren; the Sevo device became a totem, housed in a great museum on the planet Rkar N'ra in the Titan system, a constant reminder of the lost. The Hur'q then set out to take revenge on the galaxy, renewing their violent imperatives with a passion fueled by vengeance, leaving behind a force of warriors in suspended animation to protect Rkar N'ra and await the rejoining of their species. These protectors were called the Kam'Jahtae - 'we who defend'.

The nomadic Hur'q horde blazed across the stars, wandering space and leaving a trail of destruction behind them; as the centuries passed, the story of the lost fleet became more myth than reality and the location of Rkar N'ra faded from memory - and then came their encounter with the Klingons. It was to be the beginning of the end for the Hur'q; their civilization had grown stagnant, and the war with the Klingon Empire was their last great conflict. The battle was long and bloody, the fierce fighting taking a terrible toll on both sides, but even with their numbers scattered and dying, the Hur'q were the victors. Unable to wipe out the Klingons, the splintered Hur'q forces plundered what they could from the Klingon homeworld Quo'noS, taking the Empire's most sacred artifact, The Sword of Kahless, as a final insult to their enemy.

Vanishing into the Gamma Quadrant, the Hur'q would never recover from their final war. Unable to find a way to unlock the Sevo device, they finally weakened and died out, broken and dispirited, bled dry by constant combat. The universe believed that the Hur'q were extinct, the embers of their malice finally extinguished...

Centuries later, the U.S.S. Sentinel, a Federation starship under the command of Captain Marcus Brennan, enters the Titan system during the test of an experimental transpatial warp drive; the procedure triggers a response within the Sevo device and the long-sealed subspace rift begins to open, slowly releasing the lost Hur'q fleet.

Taking an away team to Rkar N'ra, Brennan discovers the Hur'q museum, releasing the dormant Kam'Jahtae forces in the process. As Brennan and the Sentinel crew fall under the control of the millennia-old Hur'q imperative, the Kam'Jahtae force sets off toward Federation space...

Meanwhile, the energy of the Sevo device's signal is detected by Borg scout ships in the Delta Quadrant and the cyborgs move in to locate and assimilate this powerful technology, passing through Klingon space and destroying Klingon ships along the way.

On behalf of the new Klingon High Chancellor, former General Martok, Lieutenant Commander Worf requests Starfleet's assistance; returning to active duty, Worf joins Captain Jean-Luc Picard aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E, where his former commanding officer proposes a plan.

Starfleet's reinforcements for the Borg attack will be the Valkyrie squadron, a prototype unit of light attack ships based aboard the carrier vessel U.S.S. Typhon; under Worf's command, the task force is dispatched into Klingon space, to spearhead the defense against this latest Borg incursion - but both Worf and the Valkyrie pilots are unaware of the threat from the reawakened Kam'Jahtae and the slow influx of Hur'q ships from subspace...