1. Is Enterprise: The Game really free?
YES! "Enterprise: The Game" was created by Star Trek fans, for Star
Trek fans! This game is not licensed by Paramount Pictures and shall
always remain freeware.The game's creator
receives no profit from hits to the website, or for the number of
people who download the game.
The game itself has NO spyware or adware. It's
just a good, old-fashioned FREE GAME!
2. How do you unlock the hidden ships in the
game, such as the NCC-1701?
To unlock the 8 hidden starships you need to acquire points. Once
you gain enough points, a blue icon will appear at the top on the
screen that shows an "F-Key." You press the "F" (or function) keys
to change the ship you are playing as.
- F6: Changes to NCC-1701 (after you get 500
- F7: Changes to 22nd Century Ship (after you get
750 points)
- F8: Changes to Romulan Ship (after you get 1000
points) Also, you can hold "C" to cloak your ship.
- F9: Changes to NCC-1701-D (after 7500 points)
- F10: Changes to Klingon Ship (after 10000
There are more ships, but you will have to
discover them for yourself. Although nothing much happens after 20k
3. How do you protect the damaged Starfleet
The only thing that can destroy the allied vessels is a direct hit
from a Suliban cell ship (the small, round ships). You can maneuver
the allied ships out of harm's way by pressing the Z and X keys. |
4. How do you beat this game?
Once you earn 10,000 points you will win the game and a brief movie
scene will play. After that you can keep playing for the high score. |
5. How do you clear the high scores table?
At the main menu, press the delete key. |
6. How do you access the
special features, such as the audio and visual galleries?
To open the special features menu you must first complete the game
(earn 10,000 points). Then you can press Escape to open the revised
menu and choose which features to access. There are also hidden key
functions in the audio and visual galleries. |
7. How do I save my game?
Enterprise The Game is an arcade style game, which means you aim for
the high score and cannot save. |
8. Are there any cheats, passwords or strategy
guides for this game?
There are currently no strategy or tip guides available for
Enterprise The Game. There are also no cheats or passwords built
into the game. However, certain unlockable ships in the game are
more maneuverable and can make the game much easier. |
9. Does this game work with Mac OSX
or Windows ME?
Enterprise The Game was developed for the Windows 98 / XP operating
systems. The game may not work with Mac OSX, Win ME or Windows 95. |
10. When I start the game I get an error message
/ The game has no sound / The game has no video. How do I fix this?
Several people have reported that Enterprise The Game does not work
on their PC and gives them an error message. There are a few causes
for this.
- The Microsoft PCM music in the game is not
compatible with your current sound card drivers. Remedy: Update
your sound card drivers from the manufacturers website.
- The video clips contained within the game
conflict with your current video card drivers and/or video codecs.
Remedy: Update your video card drivers from the manufacturers
website. Download the latest video codecs for your machine. Here
are 2 great codecs packs, and best of all, they're free!
- Your processor might not be powerful enough.
Remedy: Press F4 after game start to put the game in windowed
mode, or get a Pentium 3 or 4 processor.
- You do not have enough virtual memory
available. Remedy: Try resetting your computer and do not run any
other applications while running Enterprise The Game.
- Your display settings aren't currently
compatible. Remedy: Change your display properties to 800x600
resolution / 32 bit color depth. To access the display properties
menu in Windows, click the Start menu, go to Settings, go to
Control Panel, click on Display, choose the Desktop tab, make
changes and click "Apply."
11. Can I link to the download for the game on
my website?
Yes, as long as you do not charge for the game or take credit for
its production. |
12. When will version 2 come out? Are there any
sequels planned?
There are no plans in the works for another version of Enterprise
The game or for a sequel. |
13. What do I do if my
question isn't addressed on this FAQ?
Send an email detailing your question to:
enterprisegame@aol.com |