When you reach the Republic, give Uhura Response 1 (if you want 100%). On beaming down, USE Mccoy or his tricorder on the blue guy to your right, then the captain (in yellow). USE Spock or his tricorder on the left or right computer, the captain's chair, the navigation computer in the center, and the viewscreen. Exit south into a turbolift. The turbolift might look a little confusing at first, but it's really simple. Everything but the yellow squares is uninhabitable. To move to a new sector of the ship, click on a yellow square. From this turbolift, you can reach the bridge, auxiliary control, and sickbay. Let's go to sickbay first. You arrive in a hallway. All you can do right now is to GET the brown wire next to the debris pile. Enter the door on the left. USE Mccoy's tricorder on the woman. He'll stabilize her. TALK to her, and she'll tell you what happened and then die. GET the empty hypo on the gray pedestal to the right of the dead man, as well as the medical drill. Now, use your communicator. If Uhura gives you the option to beam out, you've got the short version of the game and should look at the other FAQs and hint pages from here on. Otherwise, read on, and proceed back to the turbolift. Go to the auxiliary control deck. You'll arrive in a room with a single door and a dead man. USE Spock on the door controls. On the far left, balancing on a black pipe, is a molecular saw. GET it and go back to the bridge. On the far left side of the bridge is a red support beam jutting out diagonally. USE the saw on it to take it. Go back to the hallway by sickbay. USE the metal beam on the pile of debris blocking the door. Now USE your full-power phaser on the pile to clear it. Proceed past into turbolift 2. You now have access to engineering and the transporter rooms (the weapons bay is still blocked by radiation). Select transporter room. You'll arrive in a hallway. GET the brown wire hanging on the right (identical to the first). Now leave. You may regret progressing any further. Go instead to engineering. You'll arrive in a small room. USE Spock on the pile of debris, then shoot it with a full-power phaser. GET the fusion power pack. Go through the left door. You're now in the engine room. USE the red closet on the left side and GET the engineering technical journals. USE the hypo on the oil can just above them to fill it up. Now USE both wires on the target-looking ports below the left and right consoles. You'll attach them to the junction box. USE the box to discover that you don't know what setting to put it at. Time to go back to auxiliary control. USE the medical drill on the door panel. Now USE the panel. USE Spock on the debris jam inside. USE the oil-filled hypo on the jam. Then USE the debris jam. Now go through the door. GET the record decks on the floor (looks like an Easter egg). Use Spock's tricorder on all 4 computer terminals. USE the record decks on the right-most computer 4 times. USE the engineering technical journals on the far-right computer. Now go back to the engine room and USE the junction box to restore power. Return to the auxiliary control room to find all the machines active. USE the medical and science tricorders on the main computer (left of the viewscreen). An Elasi ship will now uncloak on the viewscreen. YOU'RE NOW ON A TIME LIMIT! USE the far left console to allocate power to weapons. USE the left side of the center console (but not the blinking button). You'll learn that the torpedo bays are jammed. The next part isn't exactly well programmed and can make your game impossible. Pay close attention. There's 2 ways you can do this. 1) Now allocate power to the transporters and leave the room as quick as you can. Run down to the transporter bay and go through the door on the left side. USE the screen in the middle of the transporter console to set the coordinates, then USE the right side of the console to transport the security officer down to the torpedo bays to unclog them. Once he gets back, USE the fusion power pack on the red box (between the transporter pads and the door) for good measure. Now rush back to the control room, allocate power to the shields, and give response 2. 2) If you want to do this the way you were meant to, allocate power to the shields right after you learn the torpedo bays are jammed. The Elasi ship will hail you. Give response 2. Now, try to allocate power to the transporters. Spock will tell you that's unwise, and Kirk suggests using the power pack. Run down to the transporter bay and go through the door on the left side. You're still on a time limit, but it's a much longer one. USE the inactive transporter controls to discover that they have no power. Now USE the fusion power pack on the red box (between the transporter pads and the door) to power up the controls. Use Spock on the blue screen, then on the right side of the console. Your security officer will transport down to the torpedo bays and unclog them. Now go back to the control room. Basically, if you installed the fusion pack before you got here and raised the shields, you're doomed. Spock will tell you that there's no reason the use the transporter now, and you'll wander around until the Elasi come for you. If this happens, restart and follow the above instructions more closely. Now that the torpedo bays are unclogged and you're back in the auxiliary control room, USE your communicator to hail the pirates and select response 2. Allocate power to the weapons and USE the blinking green button on the center console. You'll disable the enemy ship and beam back to the Enterprise, which has heroically arrive just in time to pick you up. You pursue the ship that destroyed the Republic to Vardain. Give response 1. You'll encounter Dr. Ies Bredell, piloting a clone or the Enterprise. Give response 1, and response 1 again. Now begins the final battle. This isn't easy, but it's far from impossible. It took me 4 tries. First, remember to arm you weapons and raise your shields. This might be a good place to save. As soon as the battle starts, press the ~ key (yes, you have to hold shift if that's the way it's set up on you keyboard) to fly in reverse. This'll give you a good angle on the Enterprise-2. Do as much damage as possible before the Elasi reinforcements arrive. Don't worry if you don't destroy it, just bang it up as much as you can. When the Elasi ships arrive, finish off the Enterprise first. Remember, their ships have damage control too, so try to stick to the same one. You can control your speed with the number buttons (1 though 0). High speed means you'll catch up to someone faster, but sometimes you'll want to switch to a low speed if you've got a good angle on a ship and you want to hold it for a while. I think slow speed turn faster as well. As for damage control, I like to focus on engines if they're damaged, then on shields. Obviously, if your weapons go down you need to fix them immediately. You may have to disarm and rearm them to turn them on if that happens. If you find yourself in a head on firefight with a ship, I suggest you break away. They'll hurt you more than you'll hurt them. Just keep trying. With a little luck, you'll win. --------------------------------SPOILERS------------------------------- For those of you who can't beat that final battle, here's the ending text. Spock: That's the last of them, captain. Kirk: Well, that's over. Scotty: Duplicate Enterprise indeed. That alien contraption was no match for the real thing. Chekov: What if the Vardain have more constitution class vessels? Kirk: The federation will blockade Vardain, until they agreed to destroy their weapons facilities and all non-authorized ships. Uhura: Message from Starfleet, captain. Kirk: On screen lieutenant. Admiral: We have read your report on the destruction of the U.S.S. Republic and evaluate your performance at 100%. You and your crew receive 4 commendation points. A perfect mission, Jim! You are a model for all Starfleet! We have reviewed your overall performance for this year at 100%, Enterprise. Magnificent, Jim, just magnificent. This will end up in the Starfleet academy text books. My congratulations to you and your crew. They're talking about making you an admiral, Jim. But for now, I'm authorized to give you and your crew shore leave. Mccoy: Shore leave at last! I know this great spot on Cameron's Star, Jim. You'll love it. Spock: Where you will no doubt, Doctor, wallow in sensory overload and emotional display. Mccoy: Well, heck, Spock, it wouldn't be any fun otherwise! Jim, we've gotta find some way to get this vulcan to let his ears down. Kirk: Spock, you will come with us, won't you? Spock: I cannot let go by a chance to study the primitive and raw emotional outburst at the level I anticipate, captain. Mccoy: That's the spirit, Spock! Ok "Admiral", what are you waiting for? Kirk: I've got some adventure left in me before I accept an admiral's desk job, Bones. Take us out of here, Mr. Sulu, warp factor 4. *displays: Star Trek 25th Anniversary Enhanced CDRom To the Memory of Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991) * Voice of Kirk: Very few people have the ability to fire up our imaginations and make us think about the human condition. Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, was one of those people. He took us where no man has gone before-and beyond. He created a starship, its crew, an entire universe, and brought them to life for million of people. Without Gene there would've been no Star Trek computer game, or a Star Trek television series. Gene Roddenberry: Born 1921, died 1991. We honor your memory. *Then you are given the option to load a previously saved game, restart the game, or quit the game* And that's the end. The worst ending I could get: Admiral: We have reviewed your overall performance for this year at 25%, Enterprise. Pathetic, Kirk. The performance of you and your crew simply have not been up to Starfleet standards. We suggest you try computer simulation replays of your missions to see where you went wrong, or the Enterprise will end up decommissioned soon. Mccoy: The admiral didn't sound too happy, Jim. Spock: Indeed, Doctor, I have been mystified on more than one occasion by the Captain's choices. Kirk: Spock, Bones, you're actually agreeing on something? Was I really that bad? Mccoy: Do I have to answer that? Spock: Logically speaking... Kirk: Never mind Mr. Spock. At least we made it through in one piece. Ahead warp factor 2, Mr. Sulu.