Star Trek Elite Force II: Synopsis



EF2 takes place around Stardate 56535.1 (this is the Stardate when the Dallas receives the distress call from the Attrexians...)

Elite Force II starts off giving a brief prologue on the USS Voyager where the Hazard team assists Voyager in escaping the Borg sphere shown in the climax of the Voyager series finale.  After returning to Earth, the Hazard team is reassigned and split up up to various points in the Federation: Alex Munro becomes an instructor at Starfleet Academy and Telsia Murphy is assigned to the USS Dallas, an Excelsior-Class starship.  Two years later, Captain Picard makes a visit to Starfleet Academy and recruits Munro, reuniting most of the Hazard Team.

The USS Dallas comes under attack from the Exomorphs. The Enterprise responds to the distress call but upon arrival discovers the USS Dallas heavily damaged and powerless.  Munro and the Hazard Team beam to the ship, which is still swarming with Exomorphs, to investigate.  We find out the the USS Dallas was responding to an Attrexian distress call when it was attacked.  Most of the crew evacuated to an Attrexian space station, but Captain Galloway and a skeleton crew remained on board to try and salvage the ship.  Telsia and two others managed to survive by storing themselves in the transporter pattern buffer.  Unfortunately, Hazard Team member Jack Franklin does not survive the mission...

The Enterprise then travels to the space station to retrieve the Dallas survivors.  However, the station is already overrun with Exomorphs. The Hazard Team makes their way to Dallas survivors, and ends up recruiting Gonzales.

The Enterprise traces the Exomorphs to Viok Epsiolon V, which contains ruins from a technologically advanced ancient civilization (Idryll separatists are studying the ruins). On the planet, the Hazard Team finds Dr. Inigor and Dr. Kleeya.  We learn that the Idryll are manufacturing the Exomorphs, but they are not sure why the Exomorphs have become aggressive.  Munro rescues Krindo (Inigor's son and Kleeya's brother) and disables the manufacturing center.

We learn that the Attrexians have been suppressing evidence of the Idryll's former empire.  Kleeya and her family believe the Idryll were once a powerful and advanced people.  Kleeya requests to stay aboard to study Exomorph bodies, which angers Krindo.  Krindo believes the Federation is helping the Attrexians hide the truth.  Both Krindo and Inigor leave the Enterprise.

After repairing the Dallas, the Enterprise receives a distress signal from an Attrexian colony under attack from Exomorphs.  When the Enterprise arrives at the planet, it is ambushed by three Idryll ships, led by Krindo.  The Hazard Team fights off several boarding parties and manages to disable Krindo's ship.  The Hazard Team beams down to the Attrexian colony.  We learn the Krindo has restarted another Exomorph facility and is producing Exomorphs.  Dr. Inigor gives the Hazard Team Krindo's coordinates in hopes that they will stop the Exomorphs.

The shuttle carrying the Hazard Team crashes on the planet where Krindo is located.  Munro is captured and brought to Krindo, who wants to trade Munro for his sister.  Krindo changes his mind when he learns the Exomorphs are attacking the location of his father (Inigor).  The Exomorphs do not respond to Krindo's controls, resulting in his father's death.  Shocked by the recent events, Krindo releases Munro, and they both escape.

On the Enterprise, Krindo reveals that there is supposed to be a Master Control Facility that has the power to control the Exomorphs made from all the manufacturing centers.  Krindo never found the facility, but the only other person (alive) to know about its existence was Omag (the Ferengi).  They believe Omag found the facility and is in control of the Exomorphs.  Krindo agrees to set a trap for Omag on a Klingon Mercenary base.  They capture Omag, and he reveals that the Romulans are in control of the Master Control Facility.  Omag reveals his Romulan contact is Commander Suldok and agrees to give the coordinates to Suldok's secret base.

Munro and Gonzales infiltrate the Romulan base disguised as Romulans.  They find out that a secret organization called the Empty Crown  is hoping to gain control of the Romulan Empire through the Exomorphs.  Munro and Gonzales are captured, and Gonzales is killed helping Munro escape.

Analysis of Romulan data reveals that the Master Control Facility is on Tolochon II.  We learn the the Idryll lost control of the Exomorphs centuries earlier when an Exomorph named Archeopendra gained intelligence.  The Exomorphs wiped out 95% of the Idryll race, leaving only ruins of their once powerful empire.  The Attrexians managed to destroy the Exomorphs and essentially enslaved the Idryll survivors.

On Tolochon II, Munro kills Suldok and then Archeopendra.  The Master Control Facility is destroyed, and the Romulans convey their gratitude in uncovering the Empty Crown's plan.

Depending on the choices you make in the game, you end up with either Telsia Murphy, or Kleeya.