Star Trek "El Duelo": Controls


Use these controls to fly your ship in the game:

Left arrow keys = Transfer energy from the shields
Right arrow keys = Transfer energy to the shields
F1 - F9 = Select warp factor and engage
Up arrow keys = Increase warp speed
Down arrow keys = Decrease warp speed
Esc = Disengage warp engines
Spacebar = Fire phasers
Enter = Fire photon torpedos
Number keys 0-9 = Select ship system to check status and effect repairs
Delete: = Disable and recover energy from the selected system

In addition to the above hotkeys, you may also use the mouse to fire weapons, transfer power to and from the shields, and flip through the ship's systems.

To navigate, click on a sector number in the Long Range Sensor display, then select a warp speed. You will automatically come to a full stop when you reach your destination.

Repair Of Systems
When a system is damaged it will show all red in the systems display. To repair the system and bring it back online, use the mouse to click on any of the tiles, then find the other title with the matching number. Once all tiles show blue the system will be repaired.