Borg Nukem: Story


This is from the official website.

Voyager, the huge spaceship with it's extensive history has returned to earth and the old crew members can now start their retirements. After a year of hard work, the ship can finally be used again. It has alot of new hi-tech stuff on it and of course a new crew will take this ship over. Their mission is to get more information about the "Borg". It has been a big enemy of Star Fleet and so it's time to find more information about them on what they actually want to do and how they can be stopped if their plans are evil. Star Fleet wil keep contact with the ship so they will be able to "beam" the whole ship back with this new machine, if that will be needed. Of course Star Fleet will must be able to contact them otherwise it will be impossible for them to find the ship's coordination. That's why Voyager has been equiped with the newest technology in the sphere of "contacts".

Everything seems to go well. Voyager has been in space for a few months now and they're approaching an area full of Borg Cubes. From this point, Star Fleet and Voyager will have to handle safely to avoid big problems. But still.. it goes wrong! Suddenly, Star fleet losts contact with the ship! Everyone in the Star Fleet building is shocked and are thinking of the worst thing that could ever happen.. Their last chance seems to be in Duke Nukem's hands! This man is very experienced and has proven to be the best co-worker of whole Star Fleet. Since there's no time to lose, Mr. Joston immediately gives Duke the document with the mission included. After reading, Duke gets escorted to the Sip-Beam-Room. There is a small shuttle waiting for him with which he will be shot to the last known coordinates of Voyager.

Mr. Joston tells him:
"Duke, keep in mind this mission is very important! Be prepared for everything. Since Voayger was in an area full of Borgs.. we suppose the ship has been assimilated. Of course we're not sure but someone just needs to check out! Now, about the shuttle, we will beam you to the last coordinates, where Voyager has been. Problably it won't be far from where the ship is now. Anyway, once you've arrived there you will have to transport yourself to the Borg Ship."

"Why can't you send me to the ship right now?"

Mr. Joston:
"Like I just said.. we don't know the coordinates of where the ship is right now.. if we would take a long shot, you might end up somewhere in space and believe me, you don't want that to happen. Anyway, once you're there please try to contact us telling what's wrong."

"And what if I can't contact you?"

Mr. Joston:
"Well then we will umm.. hehe.. umm.. well."

"I think I know enough, this is like a kamikaze-action!"

Mr. Joston:
"Well, yes and no. This mission is very important! We have no idea of what's going on there and of course we would not like losing the ship and let the Borg assimilate all our techniques!"

"I know enough, just send me there. Everyone just lives once, and hugh, I haven't seen my name in "Hero-Books" that much yet so this would be my chance to get in there. Hugh hugh."

Mr. Joston:
* This man is insane! I'm so happy he wants to do is for us! I hope he will be able to get this mission up and running again. It's for a matter of fact our most important mission so..* "Ok, Mr. Nukem, here we go.

Check, I don't care about this, just do it ok?!
Well, ok then Mr. Nukem.

And the journey starts..

A few seconds later Duke is there and gets pretty frighten when he sees all these green-cubed things. After looking around Duke presses the "Weapon Box" button on the Lcars menu to equip himself. Strangely enough the weapon box seems to be gone! The problems for our hero start right here...