Borg Nukem: Official Description

TREKCORE > GAMING > BORG NUKEM > Official Description

This is from the official website.

Borg Nukem is as the title already says a game about the Borg. The borg are a species which can be found in the Star Trek series (such as "The Next Generation" and "Voyager"). The hero of this game is still our man Duke. Although.. this time he changed his suit into a suit designed by Star Fleet. Duke's mission was just to check out what was happening on Voyager since they had lost contact with the huge ship but it looks like Duke's mission will be a little bigger since there are Borgs all over the place and you can't just beam back! The only place you can beam to is a Borg ship! This is not looking too good for our man Duke.

Borg Nukem is a game made with Duke Nukem 3d 1.4/1.5.